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The first address by our new president- and vice-president-elect open thread

We're this close, people.

Our new president and vice president will be speaking in a few short minutes.

We've had a long slog. A long, hard slog. But we're just about to help bend the moral arc of the universe.

When the history of this time is written, heroes will emerge. Stacey Abrams. Beto O'Rourke. People who toiled in places which the great and the good had given over to darkness and derision.

But what both Joe Biden and Barack Obama have taught us is this: there are no blue states or red states. There are the United States of America. The most imperfect perfect experiment in human history. As Churchill said, you can count on Americans on chosing the right course, after they've tried everything else.

Be glad. Be joyous. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. We have a long road ahead of us. But we're on the offensive. We're winning. Act like it.

This is your open thread.