
Showing posts with the label poetry

Wednesday poetry slam by that ever elusive Robert Denby

Wednesday poetry slam by The Elusive Robert Denby

Wednesday open thread: Haiku from The Elusive Robert Denby

Weekend self-care open thread: I'm in no ways tired

Culture Thursday: Long Past My Death, in the Other World

In Memoriam: For Henryk Górecki

Wednesday open thread: Some poetry from Robert Denby

Culture Thursday: Do not go gentle Into that good night

Culture Thursday: "Citizen: An American Lyric"

Culture Thursday: Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking

Culture Thursday: April is the cruelest month

Weekend self-care open thread: Spring!

Culture Thursday: The poetry of Langston Hughes

Weekend self-care open thread: Sir Patrick Stewart reads Shakespeare's Sonnets

Thursday open thread: In Just Spring

Weekend self-care open thread: Celebrating Black poets

Weekend self-care open thread: April is the cruelest month

Weekend self-care open thread: In just spring, and fundraiser

31 December, 2020

Weekend self-care: Nobel Prize winner Louise Glück