
Showing posts with the label coronavirus

Tuesday open thread: Fauci testifies

Where Do We Go From Here: The Great Realization

Where do we go from here: A new paradigm

Where Do We Go From Here: Dollah dollah bills, y'all

Praise song

Where do we go from here? First in an occasional series

Weekend self-care open thread: A little quarantine music

Friday open thread: Mindfulness

Thursday open thread: Mental health in the time of COVID-19

Wednesday open thread: In memoriam, contra Plato

Grateful for Online Shopping but Not for the Reasons You May Think

Weekend self-care open thread: Honor the heroes

Weekend self-care open thread: What are you doing to care for yourself?

Be kind to yourselves

Thursday evening poetry break: The Dance

Airing of grievances

Monday open thread: A few words from a friend

Après tu le déluge

Tuesday open thread: It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

A quick Sunday word about how the world sees us, and Democratic debate open thread