
Showing posts with the label SCOTUS

We got knocked down. We pick ourselves up again.

Monday open thread: The 14th Amendment case

The final thread of legitimacy is gone

We just have to win

Humpday open thread: As goes Colorado?

Damage Control: Dealing with a Rogue Supreme Court

Roe v. Wade, the Aftermath

Roe v. Wade

Thursday open thread: "If people actually believe that it's all political, how will we survive?"

We were warned

Indictment watch! SCOTUS watch! Meghan McCain watch! Swatch watch!

Wednesday open thread: What shall SCOTUS wreak?

On the judiciary and "time-honored norms"

A few thoughts on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

A few words on today's SCOTUS rulings

Once more, with feeling: SCOTUSPALOOZA!!

Monday open thread: SCOTUSPALOOZA!!

On DACA and the emerging majority

Bending the arc of justice