
Showing posts with the label impeachment

These are not serious people


Impeachment open thread: Cassandra is always right

25th Amendment open thread

If he shot someone on Fifth Avenue...

BREAKING: Did Donald Trump put a hit on Marie Yovanovitch?

History comes, whether or not you want it

The "Leader of the Free World" has finally cracked

Open thread—Happy Impeachment Eve!

Tuesday evening news mishmash: Impeachment, USMCA, and "Who tried to bribe Rick Gates??"

Hit him where it hurts

is he really this much of a moron? Yes, yes he is.

Open thread—Impeachment moves to House Judiciary

News outbreak! Harris drops out, House Intel releases its report

Oh, Rudy

Open thread—Welcome to Impeachment Dome, Day 5

Here, right matters

Non-traditional weekend self-care open thread

We many, we happy many, we band of Americans

Impeachment, Day 2—Open thread and news mishmash