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Chill out

Why, yes, I did in fact create this meme! But I shall not claim copyright.

The state of play as we know it: From the various media sources, Joe Biden is one Nevada away from 270 Electoral votes. He is gaining in both Pennsylvania and Georgia. North Carolina may yet fall into his lap. 

Donald Trump made noises about contesting both Wisconsin and Michigan. Within the past few minutes, "sources" have said that those plans had been scuppered. 

This isn't the repudiation for which we'd hoped. But we'd been, perhaps, foolish to think it would have been. However, we should be heartened that even with a portion of our country willing to vote for children in cages, a greater number of us voted against that. The war won't be quickly won. But, in Churchill's famous words, this may be the end of the beginning.

Assuming Joe and Kamala are declared Presdient- and Vice President-elect in a couple of days, expect Donald Trump to go scorched earth. He will make the transition as horrible as he can, if there even is a transition. He has been rejected, and that will gore his self-worth. But be that as it may, we will have a country and a world to rebuild.

Be of good cheer. The war will go on. But this was the Battle of the Coral Sea: the beginning of the pushback of fascism.

This is your open thread.