House rules

Hello, and welcome to our corner of so-called sanity on this whirligig called The Internet™. We have a few rules to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.


This site will be highly moderated. The First Amendment protects you from the government jailing you for your words. It does not protect you from getting banned due to being a schmuck. The blog owners reserve the right to edit and/or delete any postings/comments with no reason given.


  • Be reasonably nice to others. No, scratch that. Be kind to each other. Be respectful. This is a community, and community standards apply.
  • Understand that we have a purpose, and that is to promote intersectionality, social justice, and true progressive politics. Be the change you want to see.
  • Cuss if you want, for fuck's sake.
  • Go off topic. We like food, alcohol, pot, coffee, sports, arts, literature, music, cats and dogs living together, bad sex jokes, and all kinds of things.
  • We are here for the highs and lows. Rest assured that we will celebrate or commiserate accordingly.


  • This is a mostly center-left blog. This is not a True Socialist™ blog. If you're one of those who thinks there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans, this isn't the place for you.
  • Trashing Hillary Clinton. Figure out your mommy issues on your own time.
  • Trashing “moderate” Democrats. Yes, Manchin and Sinema are damned annoying. Win more seats in 2022 and we can dispense with them.
  • Using any bigoted, sexist, etc. terms. This will be not be tolerated. 
  • Don't be a jerk. Really, don't be a jerk. We're allies and members of a community. We have no problem banning you if you become toxic.
  • Don't post about how great Bernie Sanders is. I mean, come on, man, Bernie's moved on as he tries to learn to do the adulting thing. He's never going to be president.
  • If a fellow commenter gets under your skin, just ignore. Mute if you can. This is a big, raucous family, and we will get on each others' nerves at times. However, refer back to the "don't be a jerk" rule.
  • Be kind to the blog owners. We do this out of love for the community we've all helped build. We'd rather not spend all day moderating. A bit of Stoic self-control goes a long way.
  • Don't complain about a dirty fork, what with Gilberto's war wound, and the poor cook's son being put away again.
That's it. As always, have fun.