Let Them

Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.
It was Napoleon who said that. Of course, Napoleon went on to try and invade Russia during the winter of 1812 causing a massive retreat and the loss of 400,000 French soldiers but that's neither here nor there. The point is that Napoleon knew, at least in theory, this central tenet of war, one that still rings true over 200 years later.
It was Napoleon who said that. Of course, Napoleon went on to try and invade Russia during the winter of 1812 causing a massive retreat and the loss of 400,000 French soldiers but that's neither here nor there. The point is that Napoleon knew, at least in theory, this central tenet of war, one that still rings true over 200 years later.
America is currently at war. Not a physical war with bombs and tanks. Not even a cold war representing a constant psychological battle with another global superpower. No, America is at war with the Republican Party, a party that no longer even pretends to govern. Today's Republican Party is hellbent on achieving power by any means necessary and we see that time and time again. Forcing members to stay and vote for Qevin McCarthy and miss their own mother's funeral? Check! The Taliban Twenty caving to elect Qevin as speaker? Check! Qevin allowing George Santos to be seated despite multiple calls for his resignation? Check! The party's hypocrisy knows no bounds.
And while we will become dismayed and disheartened at the 118th Congress' utter lack of productivity, we can't help but hear Monsieur Bonaparte's words echo in our heads. Because now that they have to be the adults in the room, Republicans will show once again how they are incapable of governing. How their extreme MAGA agenda is out of touch with the American people. How they will double down on restricting abortion rights, even though they know it hurt them at the ballot booth in 2022. How they will create select committees to investigate Hunter Biden, Dr. Fauci, wokeness, and inevitably some animated or cartoon character that they find offensive. How they will vote to remove the 87,000 new IRS agents and then pretend like it's already been done because their own base doesn't understand governing basics taught to us by Schoolhouse Rock. How they will (again) push the global economy to the brink of disaster during a debt ceiling debate simply because their own president ran up $7.8 trillion to the national deficit. All of these and yet not a single bill is likely to emerge that addresses inflation, gas prices, or the increased cost of living, all things that impact everyday Americans.
Will all this have consequences? Sure. As mentioned, the upcoming debt ceiling debate will once again be a complete and utter shitshow. But once again the incompetence of today's Republican Party will be on full display for all to see. They have zero solutions to today's most pressing problems. They've had zero solutions for the past two decades, if we're being honest. Republicans thrive on grievance politics. On blaming the other. For the past two years, they've been perfectly content to blame Democrats for everything that Trump did from Afghanistan to COVID to the supply chain to the influx of migrants and refugees at the border. Now that they're controlling the House, they have the opportunity to address all these issues. But they won't because they don't know how. They want to give their MAGA base lip service by passing bills that will never become law. For two years, they will continue to cater to the lowest denominator all while moving further and further from the center where the majority of American voters reside. They will do all this because they don't know any better.
And we should let them flail endlessly for all the world to see.