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Friday open thread: This is hell, this is hell, I am sorry to tell you

Our long national nightmare continues today.

Steve McCarthy—really, who the fuck cares what his name is?—will attempt yet again to claim the door prize. There were rumors at close of business yesterday that a "deal" was near. 

A deal which would get him to 218? Oh, mercy no. But close!

Of course, those same rumors abounded before, and nothing came of them. In the words of that philosophical piece of television theater: Sure, Jan.

I don't know about the rest of you, but for me utter boredom has set in. This was amusing at first. Now it's just annoying and enervating. 

However, this is excellent for Democrats. The GOP is showing, in real time, just how unfit it is to govern. It can't do something which every Congress has been able to achieve without trouble for the past century. The den of vipers is consuming itself. All that Democrats will have to do is run ad after ad of this sad, pathetic spectacle with a two-word caption: "Had enough?".

Democrats should in no way bail out the GOP, unless a bloc of them approach Democrats, groveling, agreeing to any terms so that business can get on. Democrats are not obligated to "save the nation." Enough of the nation voted to put Republicans in the majority. This is what you get.

So, yeah, we'll see what fuckery occurs today. Maybe someone will nominate Harambe.