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There is literally nothing they won't excuse

Look, I was feeling pretty groovy last night. My work day was done, I had a spicy dinner, and I was about to call it a day and slip into a marijuana haze as my reward for a good day's work done. Then this came across my TL.

That's right, the man who had sex (maybe, I think he's an incel) with Ann Coulter was trying to Dinesh-splain that a hundred years of pronunciation was incorrect, and his Derp FĂ¼hrer pronouncing the well-known, ancient country of Thailand as "Thighland" was the way to go.

Of course, in my saucy way, I had this to say:
Now, I call him the dumbest man on the Internet, and I don't say this lightly. Yes, he's dumber than Donald Trump. He's dumber because he should know better. But he's descended into such a pathology that all the education on which his parents spent thousands of dollars has gone to waste. All he sees is ideology. A liberal arts education should prepare to you have a supple mind, and be able to digest new information. But for Dinesh, that's impossible. He was ossified when he went into Dartmouth, and has become only more so in the intervening years.

But D'Souza isn't alone. He's merely the most outré example of intellectual dishonesty. Out of fear of a mean tweet, the entire GOP cowers in fear of this orange lickspittle. It makes excuses, and excuses the inexcusable. A party devoted only to power, not to service, sees no other way than to go where its base takes it. It doesn't lead, it follows, and it's following mouth-breathers and morons. People like John Kennedy of Louisiana, who went to Oxford for fuck's sake, act like hillbilly yokels. The history of America has always been one of disdain for intellect. But the GOP has taken this to new and dangerous heights. We see this in the response to COVID: expertise is to be derided, while hundreds of thousands die.

So, yes, it's fun to dunk on a moron like Dinesh. But his utterances are emblematic of a perilous path. An entire political party is wedded to the most base and deranged prejudices of his voters, prejudices which put those voters and their opponents in mortal peril. Abraham Lincoln said that a house cannot stand half slave and half free. Now we have a situation where a house cannot stand half intelligent and half moronic. The old saw is that arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon: you can make all the right moves, but eventually the pigeon will upturn the chessboard and shit on you. It's a funny joke, but not so funny when applied to the politics of the Republic. 

Defeating Trump in November isn't even half the battle. We have too many fellow citizens who wallow in ignorance. Defeating that will be a generational struggle. Again, as I always say, we dare not fail.