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The crack-up

Yesterday, via my friend Gus_802, I learned that whoever was in charge of Rasmussen's social media was banning people left and right.This was the tweet which engendered everyone to pile on Rasmussen:

The idea that Rasmussen is some accurate pollster is laughable. It's a state pollster for a fascist regime. Hundreds of people slammed this tweet, and, surprisingly, Rasmussen responded as if its social media duties had been taken over by a surly 16 year-old. 

However, this is a good thing. 

Anyone who backs Donald Trump and is confident wouldn't need to resort to such pettiness. They'd just sit back and say "We'll see." As the adage goes, never let them see you sweat. 

But Trump and his backers are sweating. They're dropping buckets of sweat. They're sweating like this:

That Rasmussen felt it had to spend the day blocking Twitter accounts who gave it sass indicates the sate of play currently in the political field. The attacks on Joe Biden from right and left aren't working. Part of this is because Biden has a penis, unlike Hillary Clinton. But a big part is just the fact that people like Joe. He's the grandpa who pulls a quarter out of your ear. He's the guy who asks: "Are you working hard, or hardly working?" Painting him as some out of control left-wing radical is laughable. Likewise risible is the idea that he's suffering a mental decline, when we have someone in the White House who can't walk down ramps or pronounce "Yosemite". 

That outfits like Rasmussen are now reacting with fear to any criticism is an indication that they know things aren't going to turn out the way they had envisioned. They wanted to run against Angry Grandpa Bernie Sanders, and instead got the grandpa who drives a Stingray. The attacks they had planned against Sanders fall flat against Biden. And the Hillary Clinton playbook is right out.

Getting blocked by Rasmussen actually made me buoyant yesterday. It was evidence that they know they're going to lose, and are lashing out in laughable feebleness. So, do put their social media guru to work. He or she gets paid by the block.