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Tuesday open thread: Will you shut up, man?

All sane people on this third rock from the sun ask this of Donald Trump.

It was bad enough in 2016. It was bad enough during his regime. It was bad enough when then-candidate Joe Biden famously hit him with that question in 2020. 

But the past four years have seen Trump gradually descending into utter madness and incoherence.

Cats and dogs and pets being eaten.

Women won't have to make any decisions.

Dictator on day one.

Tariffs are taxes paid by foreign trading partners.

And so on.

Will you just shut the fuck up?

Trump reminds me of one of our homeless patrons, Dominique. She keeps trying to strike up conversations with staff and with other patrons, conversations about whatever pops into her increasingly maddened mind, until we've all told her we are not interested in her ravings, and to not inflict them on other customers. 

Donald Trump is the guy who starts talking to you on the street, unbidden, about the looniest things, and just doesn't get the hint that no one gives a good fuck about what he has to say. Even his fans don't, as they flee his rallies almost as soon as they begin.

I've been watching political channels on YouTube ever since Vice President Kamala Harris became the nominee. And I've had my fill. Because all these channels are not highlighting VP Harris. No. They go on ad nauseam repeating Trump's latest idiocies. And after a while, I just can't take it. That whiny voice. That stupid, uneducated accent. The inanities which shit out of his mouth. I just can't take it. I want to hear and see him never again after he's defeated. I want him to sink into obscurity and senescence. I want to never hear of him again until he's in prison, and then when he dies and the country has the biggest party ever. It's not just that he's evil. He's boring. He's taken too much of our lives already. We will never get these years back that we've wasted on him. That is, truly, what I will hate him for the most. That he imposed himself on me and this world, when no one asked him to. He's the joke candidate who improbably won, and we've had to suffer with this dark jape from God ever since.

Just shut up, go away, have a goddamned stroke, die. Leave us alone. That's what I want for Christmas, as it's coming up. Just. Fucking. Disappear.

This is your open thread.


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