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True Crime Friday: Dominique Pélicot, Accused French Sexual Predator

Dominique Pélicot invited over seventy men to his home to rape his wife. He drugged her and filmed the rapes on his mobile phone. He got away with his crimes for over a decade before being caught filming women’s crotches in a grocery store. His name is Dominique Pélicot and he is the worst husband, father and human being on earth!

The Early Childhood of Dominique Pélicot

There is nothing as of this writing regarding Dominique’s early childhood. As with many people that commit crimes there is generally a trigger in their early lives that will lead to them committing horrific crimes. This man obviously hated women but we may never know what led him to treat his wife with such disdain and disrespect.

The Victims of Dominique Pélicot

  • Gisèle Pélicot, 71,Wife
  • Caroline Darian, 45, Daughter
  • The Grocery Store Victim(s)
  • Unknown Victim(s), yet to come forward
The toxicologist working this case reported that a special “cocktail” of medication, a mixture of Temesta and Zolpidem, hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs were given to the victim before the rapes occurred. Per the documents filed, the alleged rapists were not made to wear condoms. Gisèle Pélicot had contracted four sexually transmitted diseases. She also thought that she was suffering from Alzheimer because of the frequent blackouts. In the victim’s own words, “I was sacrificed on the altar of vice," Gisèle Pélicot testified. “They regarded me like a rag doll, like a garbage bag.” This man who had vowed to love and honor her yet, violated her in the worst possible way.

The Plot Unfolds

The authorities found communications Dominique Pélicot allegedly sent on a messaging website commonly used by criminals. He invited these men to rape his wife. The website has since been shut down. The rapes according to investigators began in 2011. It was an elaborate system Pélicot put into place that lasted over 10 years. Dominique Pélicot told investigators that men invited to the couple's home had to follow certain rules. The rules set forth are as follows: they could not talk loudly, had to remove their clothes in the kitchen and lastly, could not wear perfume nor smell of tobacco. The rapists sometimes had to wait up to an hour and a half in a nearby parking lot waiting for Gisèle Pélicot to be render unconscious. Investigators also found a file on Dominique Pélicot titled “Naked Pictures of my Daughter.” To think he would have gotten away with his crimes if he had not been filming the crotches of women in the grocery store.

The War on Women

I have been asking this question on this blog “Are Men Okay?” Because there seems to be a strong hatred of women throughout the world. There are men who purposely ruin their brides wedding day by doing something awful such as shoving their wife face into the wedding cake. Saying something mean and stupid in front of the bride’s parents and guests. Afghan women are not allowed to travel outside their homes without a man. And they cannot speak in public. In America, women do not have the right to an abortion in some states. Abortion is a healthcare issue.

When crimes are committed against women the first thing that is asked is why the victims did not come forward sooner? A woman or girl will have to have at least 20 other women to come forward before she is somewhat believed. Men are concerned that a woman will ruin a man’s life with the accusations of rape but do not give a damn about the man ruining a woman life because they view women as the property of all men. As a true crime writer, back in the day there use to be male police officers that would come on television and encourage women not to fight back against their attackers. Everyone knows that criminals tend to follow the news so when you tell women not to fight back then the criminals knows they are going to get away with murder. As someone said on Twitter (X), this woman was not drunk, was not wearing a short skirt and was not teasing any man. She was violated in her home by her husband and other men. Talking about a woman’s look is just another way to yet again blame the victim.

Gang raping a woman is nothing new. When I was in college, men use to live for a girl to get drunk so they could see her to her dorm and take advantage of her. They would call their friends over to rape her. This would ruin the victim reputation but hey she is a woman so that is fine. The times have changed since the Me Too Movement. Women are no longer afraid to report their abuser. Men are now being held accountable for their actions. No wonder there are so many men trying to take women back to the 1950s. As Kamala Harris says “we are not going back.”

Lady Justice

Pelicot has admitted to his crimes, according to his lawyer, Beatrice Zavarro, who stated, "He admits to his crimes." His wife's legal team, including lawyer Stephane Babonneau, said she wants to shift the shame to the abusers: "By asking that the trial should not take place behind closed doors, she wanted to show that shame must change sides." This lady is very brave to come forward to tell her story. The court offered to have the hearing behind closed doors but she opted to have a public hearing so that her husband and the men that raped her would have to be publicly tried therefore, having to show up for court and have their faces seen. One of the men was her neighbor that she spoke to and had conversations with on a daily basis. There were men who showed up and declined to rape her but even they did not report the crime to the police. Hopefully, Dominique Pélicot and his rapist’s friends will get long sentences for this horrific crime. I hope every day of his life will be filled with misery.


A French woman whose husband is accused of inviting men to rape her testifies in court : NPR

France rape trial: Husband accused of repeatedly drugging and having wife raped | CNN

French Victim - Search News (

Shocking Sex Crime: Frenchman Masterminds Decade-Long Nightmare For Wife, Recruited 72 Men To Rape Her (