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The Reek of GOP Desperation

The scandals are piling up.

This past week alone, Republicans have unearthed two massive, ground-shaking pieces of information that could potentially tilt this election on his head. The first GOP investigative report revealed that there are now questions as to whether or not Kamala Harris worked a McDonald's summer job. The second bit of sleuthing discovered that Tim Walz's own brother disagrees with him politically and might go so far as to endorse Donald Trump for president. These two revelations have caused glee in conservative circles as they can now portray the Harris/Walz ticket as untruthful and compassionless as opposed to the trust and joy that have been hallmarks of the campaign since it first came together. In short, Republicans believe that they now have Democrats on the ropes as a result of these latest findings.

They couldn't be more wrong.

Because while Republicans attempt to discredit the Harris/Walz ticket what they are, in fact, doing is driving more and more people away from the Republican Party. Because these attacks are just plain weird.  It's weird that Republicans are going after a presidential candidate's summer job. It's weird that Republicans are doxxing a vice-presidential candidate's sibling simply because they have different political views. Republicans know how absolutely toxic their ticket is so they are desperately trying to find some flaw in the Democratic one. What they fail to realize is that their so-called "scandals" actually make both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz more relatable and hence more appealing to the typical mainstream voter. 

This happens because Republicans live in their own bubble where they simply don't understand how the majority of Americans live. The fact that they think leaving summer employment off a person's resume is some kind of scandal shows how out of touch they are. Meanwhile, out here in the real world, countless people on social media have been sharing how like Kamala Harris, they also left off summer employment work on their resumes, showing that not only is this not a scandal but this shows how disconnected Republicans are from the working class. In addition, the fact that Tim Walz has a brother with whom he disagrees politically does not make him some sort of pariah but instead makes him relatable to the vast majority of us who have seen family political divergence in the age of Donald Trump. Walz having a right-wing sibling is not news but what is news is that Republicans somehow think this casts him in a negative light and is some sort of scandal when in fact none exists.

The great irony with these two "scandals" is that instead of damaging Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, Republicans have made them even more relatable. The fact that Kamala Harris worked at McDonald's to pay the bills and then went on to her impressive career that she did shows that she was a hard-working individual, even at an early age. The fact that Tim Walz has a sibling who doesn't share his own political views yet he still works tirelessly to support his own immediate family, including his son with special needs, endears him to even more people knowing that his family is not perfect and that they too have factions due to today's political environment. While these "scandals" might play well in mainstream Republican circles, they are actually driving moderate and undecided voters towards Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, something that was definitely not the initial intention.

That's the thing with today's Republican Party. Their ticket is so grotesque that they must do something, anything, to try and draw attention away from Donald Trump's declining mental state and JD Vance's abhorrent views on women. This won't be the last time they grasp at straws. But fortunately for all of us, what constitutes a scandal in Republican circles is simply a way of life in Democratic ones. Republicans are so disconnected from everyday Americans that they honestly believe they came up with two gotcha! moments over this past week only to discover that not only do the majority of Americans not care, but those who do actually find Kamala Harris and Tim Walz even more endearing than before. At this point they are just throwing everything at the wall, hoping something sticks the way that Hillary Clinton's email scandal did in 2016. They know how deeply unpopular their ticket is and they need some sort of game-changing scandal to blunt the Harris/Walz momentum. 

Expect more of these "scandals" in the campaign's final 9 weeks. But know that Democrats are ready. With a strong communications team and an army of content creators ready to debunk lies and misinformation in real time, there now exists an infrastructure that wasn't there in 2016. We're 9 weeks out and already the smell of Republican desperation is quite pungent. There are more noxious odors where this first batch came from. The media is chomping at the bit for something to stall the Harris/Walz momentum. But what these parties fail to realize is that both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been vetted exhaustively by the Democratic Party. There are zero skeletons in their closets. Any attempt to discredit them from now until Election Day will be sloppy and haphazard like what we saw from this past week. That doesn't mean they won't try and it doesn't mean we should dismiss their feeble attempts, no matter how foolish they might appear. It simply means we need to be on our guard and ready to respond for 63 straight days.

Kamala and Tim are counting on us.


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