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LOL. No.

Well. Someone else took a potshot at Donald Trump on Sunday.

No, scratch that. No one took a potshot at Trump. Some lunatic former fan was spied by a Secret Service agent, was shot at, fled, and was arrested, without ever firing a shot.

But the breathlessness on the Trump side of "THIS IS ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FOMENTED BY THE LEFT!!" has been the cri de coeur for two days now. 

They're calling for Vice President Kamala Harris to stop calling him a fascist. To stop being so mean. Because, of course, he never says anything like that. Right?
To all those saying that Democrats should no longer call Trump a fascist, I say this:

They get nothing.

Trump has faced two so-called assassination attempts from former followers, who have not turned left. 

Trump continues to use the same language against Democrats and other enemies that the minions now say is incitement.

Trump will never change, will always stoke stochastic terrorism, and is planning to foment another insurrection when he loses to VP Harris in fifty days.

He and his ilk get nothing.

Democrats will continue to hammer home the threat he is to American democracy.

Democrats will continue to use his own words against him. Words he can't help himself from uttering, because they're what he believes.

Democrats will not cede any ground to him for his "safety", when he has not a care of the safety of those he targets, like innocent Haitian immigrants in Ohio.

Fuck him. Fuck them. Fuck them all.

This isn't beanball. As President Joe Biden says, this is a war for the soul of our nation.

And this time, as Democrats, we won't do what Republicans in 1877 did for reactionary Democrats in order to "heal the nation". No. This time we will have a real Reconstruction. We will excise this disease root and branch. White supremacy and male supremacy must be consigned to history's dustheap. We cannot survive as a pluralistic democracy otherwise.

As that great American Abraham Lincoln said, we are the last, best hope of earth. For all our faults. We dare not fail.


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