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That Was NOT A Slow Newsday

Sunday was...a lot.

From JD Vance's confession about lying for political gain to Trump waging open war on Taylor Swift to a potential assassin lurking on the outskirts of Trump's golf club, yesterday flooded us with a nonstop stream of news related to the current GOP presidential ticket. 

While they initially may have made our heads spin, yesterday's events reveal a GOP strategy of what will likely continue these final 50 days. It is a strategy to flood the airwaves with more and more offensive and outrageous statements. Trump is not playing 4D chess; he really does have the political instincts of a middle school boy who wants everyone to like him. His bitching and moaning on social media is not strategic but rather is continued evidence of his fragile ego. Meanwhile, JD Vance continues to be the worst vice-presidential nominee in history and he simply can't help himself. Combined, these two represent the dregs of society, a duo that perfectly encompasses just how far the Party of Lincoln, Reagan, and even George W. Bush has fallen.

Keeping track of all the lies and hateful rhetoric is exhausting. For those of us who value truth and human decency, days like Sunday take their toll. But we have to remember that days like Sunday happen because the GOP is at a point now where that type of desperation is all they have. They need their base to show out in Ohio to deny Sherrod Brown's re-election so they're going all in on an easily disproven racist theory about new immigrant arrivals. Meanwhile, the GOP's own Ohio Senate candidate, Bernie Moreno, was caught lying about his background as well as his most recent business dealings, so what better way for Moreno to deflect attention than to go all in with Vance in denouncing and dehumanizing the Springfield's immigrant community? At a time when Brown leads in the latest Senate poll, Moreno has to do anything and everything to turn the tide. If it means joining Vance in a completely fabricated story that rallies up the base, that's something that Moreno would be more than happy to do.

As for Trump, the man is a petulant child who cannot handle rejection at even the more basic level. It took him 5 days to finally publically lash out against Taylor Swift and you know that it took every ounce of restraint for him to not do it sooner. Meanwhile, TayTay with her 284 million Instagram followers has already helped direct over 400,000 new voters to, a website that provides voter registration instructions for the state in which you reside. While new voter registration information is kept by each state's secretary of state, we are already learning of the impact of Swift's call in key battleground states. Wisconsin, for example, had roughly 16,000 newly registered voters in the 48 hours after the debate and other swing states likely saw significant increases as well. By publicly proclaiming his disdain for Swift, Donald Trump will help add to this number in the days to come. Another brilliant political move from someone who just can't help himself when he feels he has been wronged. 

Lastly, there was the breaking news that a potential assassin was shot at by the Secret Service outside of Trump's West Palm Beach golf course before eventually being captured. This story is still evolving so I won't say more than that at this hour; however, it has to be noted that people are now naturally suspicious every time something like this comes up. Due to there having been zero answers about the Pennsylvania assassination attempt, there now exists a healthy skepticism about any and all incidents with the twice-impeached former president. While Trump and his supporters will hail his supposed courage, the rest of us continually ask how and why Trump continues to put himself in harm's way all to assuage his fragile little ego. Trump doesn't need to play golf at his public course on Sunday, but he refuses to alter his normal routine so he doesn't appear weak or small. Meanwhile, the Secret Service is left having to cover golf courses, outdoor rallies, and several other challenging sites because Donald Trump would rather put himself in harm's way than alter his lifestyle to diminish himself in the eyes of his adoring supporters. 

Sunday was extreme, to be sure. The vicious vitriol coming from the right will only increase as we get closer to the election. But remember: these are the acts of desperate people. Trump. Vance. Loomer. Moreno. MTG. Lindsey Graham. All of these clowns know how bad Trump screwed the pooch at the debate. They all have internal polls that show Trump down much more than the media leads on. They know that at a time when Trump should be pivoting his campaign messaging, he is instead grifting with an upcoming cryptocurrency launch. I'm no political consultant, but if I learned that my candidate was only 4 points up in Iowa (!), I would make sure he wasn't debuting his latest scam and instead out there on the campaign trail at an indoor venue to shore up support in that critical state. While Sunday might have played well in conservative circles, the rest of us were completely horrified at how unhinged and deranged Donald Trump and JD Vance have become. It was truly a day where the entire campaign went off the rails.

And it was a day that shows just how desperate they are. 


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