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Weekend Self-Care: Golden State Anthems

Good morrow from the Left Coast!

Yes, dear friends. Your favorite millennial blog overlord has traversed the country and will be nestled in the Sierra Nevadas on Lake Tahoe for the week to relax and recharge. I will hand the reins back over to LL on Monday and will then proceed to enjoy the family, food, and frenzy that comes with an annual sojourn to see my extended family. This year we will be honoring the life and legacy of my grandfather, who joined the angels this year after living a full 95 years here on this earthly plane. It will be an evening of tears and tequila but more than that it will be an evening of celebrating a life well-lived. My grandmother has always been a rock and my Dad, wife, and I will be there for her during this bittersweet time. It's never easy losing a family patriarch but all of us in attendance will be sure to honor the man who meant so much to our family.

To celebrate my grandfather's life, let us enjoy the anthems of his home state of California. From Whittier to Santa Rosa and ultimately to Davis, my grandparents enjoyed everything the Golden State had to offer. They met at Occidental College. They were at Disneyland on opening weekend. And, of course, they would frequent Lake Tahoe, the crown jewel of the California/Nevada border. Enjoy the attached California-based songs and feel free to add your own. As always, love yourself and those around you. 

This is your weekend self-care open thread. 


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