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Wednesday Open Thread: Joey Jobs In Vegas!

Vegas, baby!

While Donald Trump sat dully with a Kotex on his ear in Milwaukee, President Joe Biden was again up past 8 o'clock with a trip to Las Vegas to speak at the NAACP Convention. Despite Trump insisting he's chipping away at the Black vote, we all know that couldn't be further from the case especially with Trump supporters now claiming that an assassination attempt makes Trump more relatable to Black voters. Because what better embodies the Black experience than a rich White man being found guilty of 34 felonies and then getting shot at by one of his own people? Kidding aside, we know the Black community is ridin' with Biden and today's speech shows why. Joe Biden gets it. His administration has done more for the Black community than any since Lyndon B. Johnson. Black unemployment is at record lowsRecord numbers of Black entrepreneurs. Over $16 billion given to HBCUs. Student loan debt forgiveness focusing on the 86% of Black students who take out the loans themselves. And, let's not forget the historical firsts in this administration: the first Black Vice-President, the first female Black Supreme Court Justice, and the first Black Secretary of Defense among others. 

Give 'em hell, Joe! Speak truth to power. And keep shoring up the base so that Black voters can, once again, save us from complete and utter ruin. 

This is your Joe in Vegas NAACP Convention open thread. 


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