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We got knocked down. We pick ourselves up again.

My friends, I'm not going to lie. This was a gutpunch. 

Now, I suspected something like this would happen, when it was revealed that Samuel Alito was the one holding out on the ruling. That made it obvious that the Scummy Six were going to rule in Donald Trump's favor in some way, and were trying to convince Alito to not simply declare Joe Biden a usurper and install Trump. But just like I knew Dobbs was coming down, it didn't lessen the impact.

Oliver Cromwell famously disbanded the Rump Parliament with these words: "This is an illegitimate parliament." This is an illegitimate court. And when we win in November there will be a constitutional reckoning. This court is arrogating to itself powers which make it answerable to no one. That is not what the framers had in mind. The framers erred disastrously in making judicial tenure lifetime appointments.

Unfortunately, term limits are a nonstarter. While more seats can be added to the court by legislation, judicial terms are set in the constitution, and would require an amendment to change.

But even though this was a gutpunch, like Pres. Biden said, when you get knocked down, you pick yourselves up again. Mourn, rail, scream. I know I am. But get back up. Fight until victory. We politically have to place a chokehold on our adversaries. This is not a game of wiffle ball. The stakes are stark and serious. 

And no, if Trump somehow wins in November, the fight doesn't stop. The fight continues. Rolling over and going belly up is not an option. We are the children of our ancestors who strove for a better country, a more decent nation. The fight never ends, no matter if there's a temporary setback.

I'm tired. I'm soul tired. But I'm angry. I'm furious. I'm incensed that inferior, traitorous scum are putting the majority of American citizens through this. I'm apoplectic that one of the major political parties has given itself over to naked power, vile corruption, and damnable treason against the principles of this republic. And I will not let them get away with it. I hope you will all join me in this.

Vote. Donate. Volunteer. Leave it all on the field. We got knocked down. We will pick up ourselves and press ahead.

This is your open thread.


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