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Godspeed, Joe


The dog caught his tail. And now what?

For three weeks, the great and the good were screaming that Joe Biden had to drop out. He was too old. He was not the same Joe as in 2020. He would be handing the country over to fascism if he stayed in.

And... Joe agreed. In a life of selfless acts, he performed the most selfless act and withdrew from the contest.

But, he didn't do this without a plan. He knew that if he threw it to an open convention it would be chaos, and the party would split asunder. So, seasoned pol that he is, he endorsed the only possible replacement: his vice president, Kamala Harris.

And, as of this writing, it has worked. Kamala has raked in $50 million as I'm typing this now. $740 of that is from you wonderful people.

Joe Biden performed the most selfless act anyone in politics can perform: He stepped aside for the greater good. For this alone he counts among the five greatest presidents of our history. His name will go down in memory.

But look at his one-time opponent. He's apoplexed. Suddenly, the rug has been ripped from under him. Now instead of facing "Sleepy Joe", he will have to face Kamala Harris, a woman who spent her career putting scum like him behind bars. And he's already intimated he won't debate her.

We can all be rightly be pissed off about how Joe was treated. But, as Harry Truman, and then Joe, said, if you want a friend in politics, get a dog. It's not a career for the weak. Now this blog will switch to supporting MVP Harris. And we will win. All donations will go to her campaign. No, I'm not in a place where I will donate to those who shivved Joe. They can rely on their megadonors. They don't need our money.

Stay frosty, my friends. It's going to be a long three months.


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