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So weird


Last week a transient man I kicked out of the library called me "weird" all the way out the door. As I like to say, I've been called worse things by far better people. 

Now, I say this because I've been called every name under the sun, both as a librarian and as just some guy out there on those real and internet streets. "Weird" is anodyne. I'm like, "Bitch, if you only knew my weirdness." I have many weird traits in which I revel. Hell, running this blog is "weird" to many people. The way I met my wife back in the day was "weird". (Yes, when I first flew out to Indiana in 1998, her friends and my friends told us to find some way to notify them if it went, well, "weird". Little did they know that we both were fine with weirdness.)

Who thought that being called weird would be such a trigger? Certainly not I. But "weird" is the trigger word of the summer.

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign has zeroed in on the utter and undeniable weirdness of those who support Donald Trump. But even more so on the weirdness of those at the top of the ticket: Trump and his running mate JD Vance. 

Oh, Senator Vance.

Look. No, he didn't fuck a couch, that we can tell. And he didn't look for dolphin porn. But that doesn't matter. As a librarian, I'm all about factual data. But the rumors about Vance stick because they reveal a deeper truth: These people are just weird.

Here's an encapsulation of the weirdness:

This is not in any way unfair. This is a distillation of what MAGA wants to do. And, well, it's weird.

The question is: Why are people like Mr. Filthy Armenian so apoplexed by this line of attack? After all, people like him have read people like us for filth for years. Pedophiles. Communists. Nazis. (Yes, that's a contradiction.) Traitors. And so on. And we've simply shrugged and moved on. So why are they so triggered?

Quite simply: The Devil's kryptonite is mockery. 

They see themselves as valiant warriors for what they call "freedom". They take themselves very seriously. They see what they are doing as an existential struggle. So when they are laughed at, when they are mocked, when they are rhetorically dismissed as "weird" and their self-conception chortled at, they don't know how to react. They are prepared for a war of words. But when the first salvo we fire is: "You're strange people and not to be paid any mind," they are at a loss. Their self-inflation is punctured. They are no longer on a level footing with us, and have no idea how to regain that footing.

It works because most Americans just don't like weirdness. Or, at least, uncomfortable weirdness. And that the Harris campaign is revealing is that these people are simply strange. Strange as in the strange guy at the park watching children on whom you call the police. Rather than being world-historical figures fighting to save civilization, they are nothing more than the goobers in high school you avoided. Actually, they're worse. Those goobers eventually made something out of themselves. These weirdos were the cool kids back in the day; now they're nothing but sad shadows.

And no, dismissing them as weird does not mean we take them less seriously. The Nazis, top to bottom, were weird. And people in Germany thought them as such, and didn't see the peril they posed. MAGA is dangerous, and it is weird. Mocking it is how you destroy it. Mocking it is how you take it seriously. Its threat to democracy is the ultimate garish weirdness. I mean, look at Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, now head of the Republican National Committee, insouciantly drinking wine while her child cries:
That, my friends, is a weird that the American public will not countenance. It is a weirdness of cruelty. A weirdness of a lack of empathy. A weirdness of hatred. This type of weirdness has its fanbase; that's how Trump became president. But it's not one which the majority of Americans like. It is one which causes pain for no reason save that those who are weird are upset that they are not leading this nation.

Far from being "independent thinkers", these weirdos are sheep being led by border collies. They go this way and that as directed. They are mental slaves, and don't know they are such. Take them seriously. But laugh at them. That's how they will be defeated and sent to history's dustbin.


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