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Legacy of President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden has decided not to run again for president in 2024.

Although I wholeheartedly support Vice President Kamala Harris in her run for president, I am feeling more betrayed than I have in a long time.

This is not about Vice President Harris herself. This is about the fact that arguably the best president America has seen this century has been pushed aside for petty reasons and power struggles.

Most of all, my contempt for the press is now absolute.

But while we fight to ensure that Trump never again is president, it is worth noting President Biden’s own legacy and record as president.

When He Decided to Run

In August 2017, the Unite the Right rally brought the worst elements of American politics boiling to the surface.

Young White men around my then age of twenty-one were screaming like banshees, “Jews will not replace us!” in Charlottesville, Virginia.

It was a march for one of the evilest movements and ideologies in human history.

At that time, then retired Vice President Joe Biden decided he had to act to stop Donald Trump.

The then president subsequently led America down a dark and destructive road, culminating in the COVID-19 pandemic and when he decided my fellow Twin Cities residents were expendable and poured gasoline on a fire sparked by the murder of George Floyd by then Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Biden could have stayed in comfortable retirement. As someone with literal decades of political experience in Washington and having served as vice president to President Barack Obama for eight years, he knew better than most what running for president entailed.

Joe Biden knew what it could cost him to run and serve as president.

President Biden was so determined to save America that he soldiered on through setbacks that have sunk other politicians.

And on one of the happiest days of my life, on November 7, 2020, when it was announced that then Vice President Biden denied Trump a second term, we all knew that the country was about to be brought back to life.


And President Biden has brought America back to life. Not only the stock market, but the unemployment rate, the real wages of working-class Americans, the new rate at which small businesses are being started, the ability of unions to stand up for working-class people all across America, and so much more have demonstrated this fact.

Under President Biden, the free world was able to stand together and hold back the darkness of totalitarian regimes like Putin’s Russia when it launched its vile war of conquest in Ukraine. China took a look at what was happening with Russia’s invasion and now has pause.

Under President Biden, America commands respect from our allies and adversaries alike.

President Biden is responsible for some long overdue investment in America’s infrastructure.

Roads and bridges, internet access and broadband—President Biden has invested heavily in the future.

While I confess to have been skeptical at first, President Biden has gone out of his way to bring relief to millions of Americans burdened by student loans, mainly Americans who are in actual need of help.

Although the best-case scenarios are out of reach regarding climate change, President Biden has actually done quite a bit to ready America for this essential threat, even if much more work needs to be done.

Best of all, under President Joe Biden I could enjoy a film and go on vacation without three executive orders and a fucking constitutional crisis . . . at least one caused by the executive branch.

What Being President Cost Joe Biden

Being the president of the United States is possibly one of the hardest jobs in the world no matter who is doing it.

You have so much responsibility and pressure and face so many decisions with no good options.

Even by the already high standards, President Biden has paid dearly to save America.

Since the beginning, President Biden has faced traitors within the Democratic party from both wings, not to mention a Republican party that has transformed into a Trump cult of personality and is willing to destroy the country to spite Democrats. President Biden also faced a fourth estate so determined to get its profits and ratings up that it would start an inferno just to have something to cover.

Perhaps most tragic of all, his son Hunter Biden became a target in an effort to hurt him, along with the rest of his family.

So we owe President Biden an immense debt for all he has done and sacrificed for us.

Let us pay part of it off by making sure that Vice President Harris can finish the job.

Stay frosty, everyone.


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