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Thursday open thread: A few words from Marceline and GovChris

Good morning, friends.

I learn so much from all of you, from your points of view, from your passion. So today I want to highlight comments from two of our dear blog members.

A few words from Marceline

I need to do a little venting. I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of progressivism, specifically white progressivism and it’s become clear that white progressivism is a morally bankrupt ideology.

For months we watched white progressives cave in the face of virulent anti-Semitism. College students shouting “Intifada” were compared to civil rights protesters. Progressives looked at these people engaging in Klan tactics and cheered them on as “young people raising their voices.” The fact that their voices were saying “kill the Jews” didn’t seem to matter. These couldn’t bring themselves to stand up to their own kids and grandkids and say, “You’ve crossed a line.”

Now they’ve pivoted to yet another form of bigotry. This time ageism and ableism. Why? Because Joe Biden had one bad night. These “allies” couldn’t hold the line for one night. White progressives live in fear of their conservative friends and family and since they can’t stand up to them, they fixate on screaming at Democrats.

They claim to care about democracy but not enough to stand up for the votes of millions of people. At the end the only thing that matters to them is the chance to feel self-righteous and superior. Shitting on Joe Biden provides that.

A few words from GovChris

You know what, if there is one thing we have learned these last couple of weeks, it is this. That these elite, wealthy, white "liberals" aren't really for us. They are Liberal not because they generally care about people or want to ensure that everyone makes it in the world, but they are this only for appearances, for positive news articles written by the VERY same types of folks in our media. See, its ok if we're their mules, you know get out the vote, cheer at rallies, "YAAAS QUEEN!" their memes on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook. But if we DARE decide that we on our own volition and accord decide to choose a President and Vice President that THEY don't like,'re seeing what they are doing now.

They aren't driving the car. They KNOW they aren't driving the car and hate the FUCK that they aren't driving the car. WE had a primary. WE voted in the primary, yet since they didn't choose who they wanted, they have now decided that they are going to try and overturn our voices, and shoehorn in THEIR chosen candidate, then turn around and demand we go with their choices. This is all its about. They have NO power to do anything. Joe Biden has amassed the pledged delegates. Its over. Unless Joe Biden voluntarily steps down, its over. They can cry to the media about how he can't win. They can put out dumbass statements having "concerns". They can commission bullshit "internal" polls saying he's losing. They can get famous Hollywood Liberals space in their newspapers and magazines to write that he needs to step down. No matter what, its not happening. The CBC and the CHC spoke. He said he's staying, we said we support him. End of story.

See, its funny. The CBC and CHC all have been raised with the "YOU HEARD WHAT I SAID!" ethos from our youth. You've heard that statement from a parent, a grandparent, an Uncle or Aunt, an older Sister or Brother, an older Cousin and hell if you were lucky enough, another Black or Latina teacher. We understand that phrase. It means, "I said what I said. You heard what I said. Stop being dumb, stupid and slow repeatedly asking me what I said thinking its going to change my mind. You can ask me now, its the same answer. You can ask me in a couple of hours, its the same answer, you can ask me tomorrow, its the same answer. You can ask me next week, next month, next year and it'll be the same ANSWER. STOP, or you will regret asking me that question again." It is quite clear who has NEVER had that type of conversation from people of authority.

At the end of the day, these folks will not suffer under Agent Orange. Hell, they got a tax cut under him which they used to by themselves new houses/villas in foreign lands, new clothes, new vehicles, new amenities. None of that went back to the people that they so call "care" about. And lets be real, if Agent Orange does get back in and it gets to the stage of blood running in the streets and strife and pestilence hitting, these prep school rich dorks will be on the first plane smoking to a non extradition country where they will live while poor Black, Latina and yes POOR WHITES will have to deal with the incoming fire.

It is VERY clear, "All we have is us." They have made that very clear. It's a damn shame that on top of Agent Orange and the MAGA Republicans, we also have to fight the media apparatus, Hollywood, and Limousine Latte Liberals as well. I guess Malcolm X was right when he said this.


Very clearly, this is an op. The press and those calling for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to drop out are not doing it because they fear they will lose, but because they know they will win. And it's rich, white liberals who are doing it. If we lose, it will be their doing. But I have faith we will win. However, win or lose, we will remember. Bet on that.


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