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Why Institutionalized Misogyny is a Security Threat

When I use the term misogyny, I am referring to attitudes and beliefs that women are inferior, less capable, or less deserving of dignity and respect. The term institutionalized misogyny in this context refers to practices/attitudes in institutions and the wider culture that marginalize and harm women.

Excellent working examples of misogyny on the institutional and personal level can be found on pages 233-237 of Chanel Miller’s Memoir Know My Name. On these pages, Brock Turner shows callous indifference toward the harm he did to Chanel when he sexually assaulted her in some of the most forced apologies I have ever seen. What’s worse, the judge in this acts like what in reality was a horrific crime was only a nineteen year old college kid doing something stupid. As a result, Brock only got a light slap on the wrist, six months in jail and he only served three months.

As a side note, Know My Name helped to inspire one of my earlier posts “Gentlemen, We Need to Talk”.

I would also encourage you to buy Know My Name, especially for any teenage boys or young men around my age (I am twenty four years old and I turn twenty five in April). It may prove to be a needed kick in the balls.

How Misogyny is the link between all types of evil

With all of that settled, I have a rhetorical question for you all.

What do terrorists, White Supremacists and Islamic Extremists alike and the Regressive Left as a movement have in common?

A fundamental lack of respect for women.

Many of the terrorists, for example, who attacked the Capitol on January 6th are men who have a history of violence against women, be it domestic violence or sexual assault.

ISIL committed systematic mass rape in the areas it controlled, and the regressive left has a more than minorly troubling record of sending threats of violence against women they disagree with, threats of violence that I would never get as a man.

While Senator Manchin deserves all the heat he is getting for potentially torpedoing Neera Tanden’s confirmation, let's not forget that it was Senator Sanders bringing up her alleged tweets that gave him a shot in the first place.

Not all men who are misogynistic are terrorists/political extremists or supporters of terrorists/political extremists, but most men who are terrorists or are terrorists supporters and misogynistic. It is one of the links between Bernie Bros and the Proud Boys. While nowhere near equal in their capacity for violence (the Proud Boys are easily more violent and misogynistic), the violence in both groups is linked by a lack of respect for women.

When it comes to your average man, you can predict if he will become a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer by how he views and treats women. This is not always the case, but it is a helpful predictor nonetheless.


If a man commits violence against a woman in a domestic or sexual setting, it is a great indicator he will commit future unprovoked violence against other people or support destructive ideologies.

Therefore, it is both prudent and right for our legal system to proitize crimes like rape and sexual assault, crimes that are likely to be commited by men who are terrorist or terrorist sympathisers. Not only will this help to ensure women’s safety, it will help to fight threats to national security as well because it will be targeting criminals who are likely, if not guaranteed, to be a threat in the future.

I would also support tougher prison sentences for men who commit domestic violence and sexual assault, both as a matter of principle and as a way of protecting the most people. Five years mandatory minimum for domestic violence, ten year mandatory minimum for rape and sexual assault.

An important caveat being that while this project is being pursued, institutionalized white supremacy in the legal system must be rooted out with the same focus and dedication to make sure Black and Brown men are not disproportionately targeted.

Another critical caveat. Men who commit these crimes and thus turn into terrorists may change, but more likely than not, they will not. Ergo, I am not putting much emphasis on rehabilitation with these offenders, instead focusing on deterrence and damage control. Read Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft on how few men who abuse their partners actually change.

It is vital that we as a society start to look at misogyny on all levels not just as backwards and repulsive, but as an active threat to everyone’s public safety, not just women.