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How to Help Texans

Right now, Texas is experiencing a statewide power outage caused in part by a sudden snow storm and drop in temperatures. Thanks to decisions made by statewide leaders in Texas, what would have been a difficult time for a region not accustomed to winter storms has led to a statewide nightmare where millions of people are without power (especially heat), and running water.

I will have more to say about what led to this catastrophe and how it is yet more proof for the prosecution in the case against the GOP, but millions of people need help right now.

If you can, I implore you to send money to local organizations doing what they can to help Texans.

Here is a list of organizations to donate to. Click on the links.

Austin Area Urban League.

The Way Home.

The American Red Cross.

Austin Street Center.

South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless.

Funky Town Fridge.

If you live in Texas and need immediate help, click here

This has been an unmitigated disaster that could have been avoided. But right now, the people of Texas need help.