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The clarification of things

As night descends on Washington, we're faced with a dichotomy.

It's not between Democrats and Republicans, although it does roughly fall along those lines.

It's not between liberals and conservatives, although the contours are similar.

The country is now riven between a majority which still believes in this experiment in self-government, freedom, openness, and a violent minority which aches for a dictatorship in which they will be in power.

Let's not mince words: We saw a coup attempt today. The fact that it was farcical makes it no less serious. All the assurances we gave ourselves—"Y'all Qaeda", "Vanilla ISIS"—have been upended.

No, it had no chance of succeeding. But that it was attempted at all is testament to the poison of Donald Trump, and the poison of Republican party politics for the past half-century.

What we have in the GOP now is nothing other than an overtly fascist party. Some are now questioning the wisdom of this path which the party took. Whether that will be enough remains to be seen. But today's events were so startling, so egregious, that the seditionists will be brought to book. Today's events were so against every tenet of our Republic, that the GOP will not long survive this. It is, in fact, a house divided, between fascists like Ted Cruz, and those clinging on to a vision of the party which hasn't existed for decades, like Mitt Romney. The Democratic Party manages its internal contradictions between centrists and leftists. How do you manage the contradictions between a belief in constitutional government and tyranny? The center cannot hold.

In spite of the trauma which today we have suffered, like Pres.-elect Joe Biden, I am ever more hopeful. Americans have looked into the Abyss, and have recoiled. The fascists will continue to organize. There will be blood. This is what awaits us. But they will not win. Their day is done. Their animus is so abhorrent to the majority that they will be snuffed out, either imprisoned, or by more permanent means.

As I said today, I'm not a pacifist. I spoke with my best friend this afternoon, the person who knows me even better than my wife. And we both averred, again, that we have it within us to take a life. And if the blood of these traitors must be spilled, then so be it. I have no sympathy. I have no empathy. They would kill me and mine in a minute. Better that they go first.

Trump has sealed his fate. He will receive no pardon. He will receive no mercy. He incited a putsch. It remains to be seen whether he'll still occupy the Oval Office come the morning. He will pass. His followers will sink into despair and apathy. And the Republic, having seen a glimpse of the horror, will survive and be strengthened.

As the next weeks unfold, remember this: We will endure. This experiment will not be ended by the hollow men.