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In the bleak midwinter

Today is the Winter Solstice.

From this moment on, the days grow longer. Light returns to the world. (Or at least the Northern Hemisphere.) We have a long, cold winter to get through, but hope is on the horizon.

It's no coincidence that this season is full of festivals of light. 

As the darkness envelops us, we yearn for the light. We yearn for the start of the path towards the brightness of spring and the glories of summer.

From prehistory we have evidence of this time of the year being honored as a turning point. The point at which we stand against the darkness, and look forward to the return of light.

We are at such a point now. No, the road won't be easy. We have many hills to climb on our broken, uneven path. But we are making a stand against the dark. We are showing the left hand to the night.

I have no powers of augury. I merely have powers of observation. And my observation is this: We are a different species from that which took us into wars and chaos for the totality of our recorded history.

Too many of us cling to blood and soil. Too many of us cling to a blinkered idea of what is worthy in life. But they are the minority. 

We, the vast majority, want peace. We want to raise our children to enjoy the fruits of life. We want a world which values life over death. We want a world which values empathy over hatred.

Yes, we'll have those who cling to hatred, for it is the only thing which gives their lives meaning. And they will do much damage. But, in this bleakest of midwinters, I do see a turning. I do see that we continue to a civilization of life, leaving behind the kingdom of death.

Those who worship death will cling on. But their day is fading. Their animus has no place in a world which has to unite to not only survive, but thrive. 

The picture of a fragile, blue globe suspended in the heavens should animate everything we do as human beings. This is our only home. We have nowhere else to go. And as you wouldn't despoil your house, so should you not despoil this earth with war, and hatred, and violence.

Some people are beyond saving. All we can do is to minimize their damage as we continue to become more than we thought we were.

But in this bleak midwinter, know that there is light. There always has been light. We've just been too mired in the dark to see it.

A blessed Yule to one and all.