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31 December, 2020

Good morning, everyone.

I was going to write an end of the year wrap up. But I couldn't wrap my arms around the enormity this year has been. The pain and sorrow. The hatred and animus. The senselessness.

When I'm like this, when things don't focus, I turn to poetry. Imagery and concision make things clearer, and I can—maybe—understand, or at least come to a place of acceptance.

And, as long as there's life, there's hope. A new year is a mark on a manmade calendar. But it's our chance to reset, and to be better.

A poem for your New Year's Eve. Share in the comments your hopes for the coming year.


No one will mourn this year's passing.

The dead bathe the landscape,
necrotic drops of rain against which
there is no protection. No umbrella
will halt their fall, nor can you
shelter under a tree.

Fierce, deadly cries fill our ears,
bringing to us rumors of... something.
Fear, threats, the beating down
sleet of hatred, old as time.

This is a year no one will forget,
and this is a year no one will want
to remember. Mere humans aren't made
to absorb so much pain,
roots sucking in water from
a poisoned well, leading
to strange fruit.

I shall shake the dust from my feet.
I shall set my eyes ahead.
I shall lock away this year
and open the box only when
I need to be reminded of lessons.

This final day of an unloved year.
I'll make a cup of kindness
for the new year dressed
in swaddling clothes,
expectant and hopeful anew.