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Weekend self-care open thread: Wholesomeness, dammit!

So much of the internet is a cesspool of invective and perversion. But, in reality, it is but a small part of this earth-shattering technology.

On the 'net, you can find the sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. You can research your obscure historical obsessions. You can find that poem by that obscure 17th century writer. And you can find things which feed your soul and make you realize that there is good in this world.

One of my favorite corners of the internet is the Reddit account Internet for the Spirit. It is a storehouse of wholesome memes which make you think and make you wonder. And, on YouTube, you can easily find such videos.

So, for this weekend, set aside your cares and worries, and realize that the darkness is not mighty, and the light and goodness will eventually prevail.

As always, dear friends, be ever kind, gentle, and joyful with yourselves and those around you.


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