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We Don't

We don't wave his flag.

We don't display his bumper sticker. 

We don't wear a hat with his slogan on it.

We don't chant "F the other guy!" 

We don't drive hundreds of miles to attend his rallies.

We don't immerse ourselves in talk radio that reinforces our worldview.

We don't eat out at diners, awaiting an interview with the media to discuss him. 

We don't post on a social media network that he created to be an echo chamber. 

We don't donate every time he claims to have been "wronged" or the victim. 

We don't watch the network that reinforces our ideology 24/7. 

We don't do all that because we're not in a cult.

And since we're not in a cult, the media feels no need to acknowledge our existence. 

We are the ignored majority. We are sane and level-headed. We understand the nature of politics. We study history and historical trends. We know gaslighting when we see it. 

But because we are rational freethinkers, we don't make for good ratings. We don't provide outrageous soundbites. Our well-thought-out responses tend to invoke nods of approval rather than critical eye rolls.

We are reliable Democratic voters. We always vote in local, statewide, and national elections. Despite being model citizens, we are punished rather than rewarded for our civic participation. We are seen as dull or uninteresting by the media. How dare we vote for the non-fascists? Surely, we're at least considering voting for someone else in 2024? How about Cornel West? Another round for Jill Stein? Are we really, really going Ridin' With Biden for a second time? 

Yes, we are. Because we're not stupid. 

We don't have the luxury of throwing our vote away. 

We don't abandon women and their bodily autonomy. 

We don't abandon voting rights for historically marginalized communities. 

We don't allow the continued attacks on the transgender community. 

We don't censor books and authors that provide inclusive learning for children and young adults.

We don't criminalize immigrants and migrants who come here for a better life.

We don't believe that everyday citizens should have easy access to weapons of war. 

We don't believe climate change is a hoax.

We don't believe scientists should be vilified for believing in science. 

We don't believe there should be added barriers for citizens to vote in free and fair elections. 

We don't need to openly broadcast and advertise how we feel about these issues.

And we certainly don't expect the media to acknowledge us anytime soon. 

Because to do so would be an admission that there are more of us than there are of them. To do so would paint 81.28 million Biden voters as sane, rational, and kind. It would be an admission that the loudest voices in the room may actually be a minority. It would acknowledge that RFK, Jr. and Cornel West are spoiler candidates and aren't taken seriously by any real Democrats. Noting that the Republican base is dying and that xennials overwhelmingly vote Democrat would be soul-crushing to TV and network executives who need a horse race and who need "Dems in Disarray" to keep folks tuned in for the next 13 months. To interview those who are actually satisfied with the Biden-Harris administration? Why that would be blasphemy

Take pride in all of this. We are on the right side of history. We are anti-fascist just like those that stormed the beaches of Normandy. The media of 1940s America wasn't a profit-driven succubus that preyed on the 24/7 news cycle. There weren't constant polls about an election two or even three years in advance. There was no media agenda designed to overinflate run-of-the-mill challenges while simultaneously downplaying a presidential administration's accomplishments. Bothsidesism simply wasn't a thing back then. Despite making a concerted effort to overwhelm us, the media has yet to break us and our spirit. We know what is at stake in this next election and we know we won't have the media as an ally in this fight.

We simply don't need them anymore.


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