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How to Help the Israeli People

Israel has just faced their version of 9/11, except much worse than the American experience.

More than a thousand innocent people have been butchered by Hamas’s invasion of Israel.

The atrocities Hamas committed somehow manage to exceed the crimes carried out by the Russian military in their invasion of Ukraine.

Targeting of civilians, mass murder, torture, mass kidnapping, and systematic mass rape are just some of the horrors Hamas is responsible for.

Babies decapitated and burned alive. Keep in mind not even the Islamic state crossed these lines.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must answer for the catastrophic failures that allowed Hamas to inflict so much pain, right now the people of Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces need our help.

Write to your senators and members of Congress exactly what you think about this issue. In your own words, make it clear why you support the people of Israel in their fight against Hamas’s depravity.

Know what your why is.

For me, my why is how casual Hamas used rape as a weapon against a large group of young women, how they betrayed every agreement they made with Israel, how they are allied with America’s worst enemies, and most of all, how they managed to exceed the old Islamic state in evil by deliberately targeting children and babies. I know for a fact that Hamas would kill members of my family just because of who they are.

Hamas is a mirror image of the alt right, the Proud Boys, and the Democratic Socialists of America—just dressed in Middle Eastern attire and no one to keep them in check.

Vermin unworthy of mercy.

Hamas are monsters who must be wiped out. Make sure to emphasize that point.

In addition, we as Democrats must purge those who would ally with Hamas and other forces of evil across the world, especially Russia. After the events in Ukraine and Israel, things are much clearer. Anyone who would stand with Hamas and Russia after what they have done are no better than they are.

Contact your representatives to let them know what you think.

Click here to contact your representative in the House.

Click here to contact your senators.

In addition, the people of Israel need our help, and I think we at the Bar are a generous bunch, willing to help friends who need it.

Click here to donate to Magen David Adom, Israel’s national medical, humanitarian, and blood bank service.

Click here to donate to Friends of the IDF, an organization providing direct aid to the heroic men and women fighting to eradicate Hamas and protect the Israeli people.

To Hamas, “אתה בחרת את גורלך.” (“You have chosen your fate.”)

To the men and women of the IDF about to go into combat against Hamas “בהצלחה וצייד טוב” (“Good luck and good hunting”)

To the people of Israel, “אנחנו איתך תמיד” (“We are with you always”)

Am Yisrael Chai. (“The people of Israel live.”)