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Stop Lying, Mr. Speaker

From Qevin McCarthy's social media:

Of course, none of this is true.

While the House has passed these bills, the only part that became law was the welfare requirement, which was part of the debt ceiling bill. Because that's not how a bicameral legislative branch works. You see, to pass this type of legislation both the lower and upper chamber have to vote for it and it then has to be signed into law by the sitting President. Qevin is missing parts two and three of this equation. 

He knows this. His House colleagues know this. But they don't care.

They don't care because their supporters are too stupid to know the difference. They don't know we have a bicameral legislative branch. Hell, they probably think bicameral is a two-humped camel that has nothing to do with government in the first place. When Qevin posts something like this, it sounds accurate so they take it at face value. Qevin won't issue a correction. Yet the lie is so egregious that even Elon's ever-shrinking accountability team felt compelled to clarify the statement with one of its community notes. In the wake of his near-government shutdown fiasco, Qevin has to once again get in the good graces of the GOP base and posts like the one above, and certainly one way to do it.

Of course, for those of us non-sheeple, we know exactly what Qevin has the House has actually been doing this item. The first 8 months of the 118th Congress have been among the least productive in modern history, with a total of 14 bills being passed into law, two of which were resolutions. From  a Business Insider analysis:

While periods of divided government typically do lead to increased gridlock on Capitol Hill, that's not sufficient explanation for the lack of productivity. 

According to the analysis, the average number of bills to pass the House during periods of divided government by September 19 is 299. McCarthy's House, by contrast, had passed just 224 by that point. 

The overall average, across both unified and divided government, is 319 by September 19, according to the analysis. 

The last time the House passed such a low number of bills was in the first 9 months of 2013, when Republicans continued to hold the House after President Barack Obama's re-election in 2012. That year, the chamber had passed just 205 bills by this point. Furthermore, the chamber is on track to be in session for just 117 days this year, well below the average of 151 days in session per Congress from 2001 to 2022. 

Qevin knows this too. So do members of the House GOP. But they can't admit their own disfunction to their voters. So what Qevin and the coterie of corrupt conservatives do is exactly what Kevin did: lie. Lie, mislead, manipulate, and do whatever it takes to keep their voters ignorant. Because what Democrats know and what seemingly a larger and larger number of independents are learning, is that Republicans cannot be trusted to govern. The latest near-shutdown has shown us that the current House GOP can't organize its way out of a paper bag. It was Hakeem Jeffries and House Democrats who saved Qevin's behind and averted the shutdown. Qevin knows he is perpetually on the hot seat and having House Dems bail him down has done him no favors among his GOP House colleagues.

Hence, Quevin's latest lie.

But those of us paying attention see through this. We understand the School of Rock segment as to how a bill becomes a law. More than that, we see the current Speaker of the House's sheer desperation to get the stink of failure off of him. So while Qevin continues to whitewash the GOP House's total dysfunction, those of us will a platform will continue to call him out. Because we've been gaslit by the GOP for the last 7 years and enough is enough. We expect the lies from Trump and from those pining to be the GOP nominee. We expect the media to allow those lies to go unchallenged. But for the rest of us, who see Democrats as the sole party actually working for the American people, we cannot, nay we will not allow GOP House leadership to pretend like they give a single damn about the American people. We saw that this past week and we've seen that continually since the Qevin McCarthy was sworn in as the Speaker of the House for the 118th United States Congress. They may claim to care about the red, white, and blue but it is the right, white, and blue of Russia and not America. 

Maybe Qevin should add that to the list of the House GOP's biggest accomplishments.


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