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The Birth of Ukraine

This video says it all.

Vladimir Putin badly overplayed his hand. In hoping to achieve a quick victory, he has awakened a nation of 40 million people who are now fighting for their very existence. Throughout history, nationalism has become a powerful force that has led people to do both great and terrifying deeds. Ever since the rise of the modern nation-state, it is nationalism that has provided those in charge with the justification they need to act. Over the past 200+ years, we've seen wars waged and atrocities committed in the name of nationalism. We've also seen defiance and rebellion from those defending their land and their way of life. To live free in one's land, one must be willing to die for it. In the case of Ukraine, we are seeing this willingness for the very first time.

Ukraine is no longer The Ukraine. It's no longer a former Soviet republic. Over the past 25 days it has become a nation in every sense of the word. The blue and gold flag has become a symbol of resistance. The national anthem has never sounded so sweet. The Ukrainian language has overtaken Russian in bilingual households. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has become a national hero. Men from age 18 to 55 have taken up arms against their Russian oppressors. Brave women and children have been pillars of strength for their families and their communities. Heroes are prevailing and legends are emerging that will continue for generations to come.

No matter the ultimate outcome of this war, Vladimir Putin has lost. Ukraine will rebuild and it will rebuild stronger and greater than it is today. But more importantly than buildings is the rebuilt identity of the Ukrainian people. They no longer see themselves as Russian-Ukrainian. They have fully embraced their identity as Ukrainian, with the language, anthem, and customs that represent their country. Ukraine will become members of both NATO and the European Union. It will turn its back on its oppressors and will look to the West for the foreseeable future. And any residual Russian forces that attempt to retain Ukrainian territory will be seen as illegitimate and will be forced out, by hook or by crook, until their land is cleansed of its invading marauders.

In 21st-century warfare, we often talk about the need to win the hearts and minds of those in areas of conflict. Russia has failed to do this. But worse than that, its invasion has actually strengthened the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people. After 30 years of independence, they now have an identity. They have a purpose. They have shown an indominable spirit. In less than a single month, Russia has done more to solidify the Ukrainian people than at any other time in the country's young history. Ukraine is Ukraine, armed and willing to fight to protect its land and its newfound identify. We cannot predict the outcome of this war but we can predict that Ukraine will emerge will a newfound nationalistic pride that only because possible because of a gross miscalculation by Vladimir Putin. Putin, in essence, has done what nobody else thought was possible. 

He has made Ukraine great again.