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Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and what's at stake in November

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden's nominee to fill retiring Justice Stephen Breyer's seat on the Supreme Court, has been through a bit for the past two days. She's been subjected to the most asinine questions from the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. CRT, abortion, pedophilia, interracial marriage.

*record scratch*

"Oh, come on libtard! No one asked her about interracial marriage!"

No, no one did. But this statement came unbidden. Almost as if the Divinity is allowing the GOP to hang itself.
One would be forgiven for having assumed that marriages between different races wasn't an issue. That it wasn't controversial. That not only was it settled law, but settled morality. One would think incorrectly,

That a Republican senator felt safe enough to espouse such an atrocious opinion should give us all pause. The GOP wants to roll back every last bit of social progress we've made over the past sixty-some years. Every last bit of it. Forget abortion; contraception, same sex marriage, interracial marriage, contraception. Any idea of a right to privacy. All out the window.

Do the anklebiters get what we're fighting now? Do they get that their fixation on ephemera like student loans is only something white middle class people can afford to focus on? Joe Biden's election was a battle won; the war rages on. And this is what we lose if we lose this war. 

The GOP isn't a conservative party. It's a radical fascist party. By Braun's statement, neither Clarence Thomas nor Mitch McConnell should be in the marriages in which they are now. Anyone not white should bend the knee. A new machinery of white racial superiority is the only valid ideology for the United States. 

If you still cavil on about student loans, this should scare you. And if it doesn't, it's because you care only about yourself, and should take that #BLM off of your Twitter handle.

Judge Jackson is everything they fear wrapped up in one human being. An accomplished Black woman who is orders of magnitude smarter than they are and wiser. Don't think that Braun's statement was made in a vacuum. It was made in response to the fear of a strong, intelligent, wise and empathetic Black woman on the Supreme Court. It was made in response to another incident of white power slipping away.

Student loans don't matter in the face of fascism. Nothing else matters. Do these people think a GOP government will give a shit about their concerns?

We're in a war. A war not only for this nation's soul, but for what kind of world we want to live in. It's time to declare what side you're on.


Well, Mike Braun is trying to walk back his statements.
As the great poet said: The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.