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They don't know what's going to hit them

They march around with guns.

They threaten elected officials.

They say "fuck your feelings".

They're loathsome and selfish and see themselves as the rightful masters over everyone else.

They want to "reopen America" not because they have jobs to get to, but because they want to be served.

These people, against all evidence, are counting on another 2016. Another perfect storm where their minority will lord it over the majority which wants nothing to do with this.

There's a storm, coming, all right. But we are the storm.

It's a storm of decency which wants to restore it to the highest office in the land.

It's a storm of righteousness which is going to wash away the evil which infests us.

It's a storm of empathy which recognizes we are all brothers and sisters, and when one of us fails, we all fail.

The election of 2016 was the most consequential one in American history since 1860. We are living through those consequences right now: An economy on the brink of a depression, nearly 100,000 dead from ill-preparation for a plague, tens of millions out of work, a country riven down the middle. This year is our chance to start rectifying the mistakes of 2020.

I said "a country riven down the middle", but it isn't. There's 40% of the electorate which has given itself over to a death cult. I can't explain it. No one can. Sure, we can throw around words like "racism" and "fear". But those reasons don't begin to clarify why so many people have given themselves over to a political cult which has none of their interests at heart. All explanations pale at the enormity of the choices they're making.

It's up to the majority of us to make sure that 40% doesn't have a chance to exercise power for a good long while. This election won't be the end of the war. It'll be another battle in a long line of battles we'll have to fight. The war won't be over when Joe Biden takes the oath of office next year; the war will go on, through his term in office and beyond. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance; this is something which the majority has to recognize and internalize. The struggle isn't over with one victory. This struggle has been going on for centuries, and will continue into the future. Some people just want to see the world burn if they can't dominate it.

Our opponents are, well, chickenshits. The parade with guns but would run and hide if the time ever came to use them. But they vote. They know they have that power. We have to match them in the political field, and beat them. It's the only thing which will give us a fighting chance at constructing such an edifice that they won't have the ability to pull it down should they ever again get into office.

Gird your loins, everyone. This isn't a journey of a thousand steps. It's the journey we'll be on for the rest of the lives. One can even call it "the new normal".