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Open thread: Graduate Together 2020

Here we go, everyone.

In these unprecedented times, we're coming together to honor those young people who've made it through that time of life when every problem and every joy seemed like the end of the world or a new beginning which would have no end. And now, at the end of 17 or 18 years, they're about to embark upon a new adventure. And who better to see them off onto the seas of incipient adulthood than our Forever President (at least until Joe takes the oath of office), Barack Obama.

Pay no attention to the men with guns. Their guns are mere sops for their missing souls. They may frighten, but in the end they will be as dust in the wind. (Kansas rocks!)

Sit back, fix a few cocktails, and hoist one for these yutes. We may kid about them, but they're the ones for whom we're building a future.