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Weekend self-care open thread—The music of Phoenix

By Raph_PH - PhoenixAllyPal300917-8, CC BY 2.0,
So, I was driving to work one day this week, and I had Indie 1.0 on SiriusXM blasting on my stereo, and a band I hadn't heard in probably a decade came on.

Phoenix, in the late 90s and early Aughts, was a powerhouse. Hailing from France, their music is breezy and danceable and just so groovy. They had a string of hits to their credit, and although their fame has diminished a tad, surpassed by the gurus of EDM, they're still a quality band.

For this weekend's self-care, some of their oh-so-humable tunes.

Groove on, people.

As always, care for yourselves and those around you.