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They can't even wag the dog right

Overnight news began to leak that US special forces launched a raid in northern Syria which led to the death via suicide vest of ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Now, if you recall, when Osama bin Laden was meted justice, President Barack Obama interrupted evening programming to bring the news to the American public and the world.

However, Donald Trump, never being one to be inconvenienced, waited around until 9am EDT this Sunday morning to take his victory lap.

And that's all that it was. A victory lap. When word began to leak that bin Laden had been killed, crowds started to spontaneously gather outside the White House in celebration. No such thing happened this time. Why? Because bin Laden had the blood of three thousand Americans on his hands. Al-Baghdadi, evil as he is, confined himself to Syria and Iraq.

This is nothing but an attempt to gin up a victory for a "president" facing a terminal political illness.

And they can't even do that right.

Why, that's right. Trump was golfing while the raid was going on. Golfing.

And then there's this. At his presser this morning, Trump profusely thanked the Russians for "allowing" the raid, which was in its military zone. Russia's response?

That's right. Russia isn't even sure the mission took place, as it saw no strikes in Idlib.

These people can't do anything right. Questions are already being asked. This will turn out to be another fiasco for this regime, this time while putting service members in jeopardy so that Trump could have a photo op in the "war room", which took place 90 minutes after the raid was over.

Trump may or may not get a good news cycle out of this. It really doesn't matter. This is a pebble in a dike with multiple leaks. It's Sunday. I'm going to watch some football.