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A government shutdown just in time for Christmas. Happy Holidays!

We all know that Donald "Mauron" Trump is in a world of hurt. His looming impeachment by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is almost a forgone conclusion. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has to votes she needs on Thursday to formalize the hearings, and she'll have the votes she needs to impeach Trump. What the Senate does is up to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, but the House will do its job to protect the Republic.

But, of course, things need to keep running even in the midst of this drama.

When he was being impeached, former president Bill Clinton nevertheless managed to keep the lights on. He kept doing his job. He kept governing.

Do you think for a nanosecond that Trump is able to do that? That he has any ability to consider the national good, regardless of his own personal situation? I didn't think so.

We're facing yet another government shutdown as money runs out and appropriations have to be voted on and signed by the executive. And as The Hill reports, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is none all too sanguine.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday he was growing more worried that President Trump could force a government shutdown as soon as next month over the impeachment fight.
"I'm increasingly worried that President Trump may want to shut down the government again because of impeachment, an impeachment inquiry. He always likes to create diversions," Schumer told reporters during a weekly press conference.
"I hope and pray he won't want to cause another government shutdown [be]cause it might be a diversion away from impeachment. It's very worrisome to me," Schumer added.
The government is funded through November 21; we're going to be in the full spectacle of impeachment hearings then; and if you think Trump won't scorch the earth in vengeance for him finally being meted some justice, you haven't been paying attention.

Of course, a shutdown around Thanksgiving will be another nail in the GOP coffin. But Trump doesn't care about his putative party, his putative country, or anyone besides himself. He will quite gladly shut down the government the week before Black Friday if he thinks it will be of any advantage to him in his troubles.

Trump shows no ability to compartmentalize. Everything which happens to him he wraps up with the job he's supposed to be doing. If MAGAts and his voters aren't marching in the streets to protect him—while his opponents are most definitely dogging him everywhere he goes, including the World Series—he won't see any need to keep them onside. They've already failed him.

So, tl;dr: Expect high drama in three weeks. We'll have a Festivus for the rest of us!