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We just have to win

The comment has been made that "for progress to continue, Democrats have to win every election." That comment has been made in derision. But it's simply fact.

The Supreme Court has voted to take a case which, depending on how it rules, would gut the ability of federal agencies to regulate huge swathes of the economy.

Yes, imagine if vileness like Matt Gaetz can micromanage policies over field experts. That's what we're facing.

When the aggrieved leftists whine that they get nothing for their votes, stuff their noses in this. What you get for voting Democratic is clean air and water. It's environmental regulation. It's all the good things you keep braying about that you want, but lift not a finger to obtain unless someone goes down on you and gives you a happy ending.

It's an old saw that the older you get, the more conservative you get. Not me. I'm as liberal as I was ten years ago. But I will say this: The older I get, the less tolerant I become of childishness. I become less tolerant of fools who want to be given cookies for doing the right thing. Tendentious bullshit gets you dismissed out of hand. You do the right thing because it's right, not because you expect some reward. The reward is clean air, clean water, labor laws. That's the reward, not your self-esteem. 

As you know, I escaped serving on a jury where I would have automatically voted for the corporate defendants over the plucky, pro se litigant. And why would I have done so? Because without even hearing any evidence, I could tell that the litigant was insane. She was the type of person who, were she to come into my library asking to speak to the manager, I'd have to write a report on to cover my ass.

I am absolutely sick and tired of having to coddle the whiniest among us to get them to do the bare minimum of responsible citizenship. You acquiesce to them, and they still fuck you over. Enough. The Supreme Court is liable to scupper decades of regulatory law and precedent, and I'm supposed to care about what you ate for breakfast. Fuck you. I'm done. 

So, yes, we just have to win. We have to win every election. These are the times in which we live. We can't count on the better angels of our nature in many cases, because too many of our fellow-citizens simply don't have them. We have to beat them down into the dirt and make sure they don't arise for a generation. We have to crush them. We have to destroy them politically so that we gain some breathing room to enact laws which they can't overturn. And this goes for the left as well as the right. 

Am I a moderate? Damned right I am. I'm a militant moderate, someone who wants to make progress without destroying everything in the interim. I've seen people vent spleen at "moderates". I'm not the type of moderate which Dr. King inveighed against. I'm a moderate who wants to do things. I'm a moderate who knows that the current situation is untenable. But unlike the two extremes, I know that human beings are all too human, and will blanche at revolutionary change. The revolution has to be hidden. It has to be couched in soft linen. It can't be seen as being a ragged rupture. You have to sell it. And that's what so many on the left don't understand. They are secure in their moral certitude, uncaring about human nature. And it's why they fail over and over again, and never understand why they fail. 

I'm done with dealing with the children of the left and the monsters of the right. We simply have to win, again and again, until they wither in the sun.


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