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Enjoy The Ride

It's been a while.

It's been a while since Democrats have had a week filled with victories while simultaneously having a week where Republicans had a week filled with defeats. While there have been scatterings of good news from Democrats over the past five months, by and large, there has been Republican abnegation and overall dereliction of duty at the Congressional level. What few victories we've seen have been from the positive job reports and executive actions of the Biden Administration to go along with the continued underreporting of Biden steadily gaining in the polls, especially in the swing states. While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been hitting the road, telling this story to the American people, Republicans dug in, doing what they do best: nothing. Rather than advance critical bills on border security and foreign aid, Republicans instead brought forth failed attempts to impeach Joe Biden and Secretary Alexander Mayorkas. Being the least productive Congress in recent memory was no accident; it was designed that way by Republicans to leave voters uninspired as they head to the polls in November.

But something funny happened over the past week. 

Speaker Mike Johnson found Jesus. Or some version of religion. Or perhaps he saw the writing on the wall just how unpopular he and his party had become. Maybe Mitch McConnell pulled him aside. We may never know what caused Moses Mike to do a complete 180 on the vote for foreign aid. But he did. And over 100 Congressional Republicans were suddenly freed to vote with Democrats on a series of foreign aid bills passed on Saturday, including $61 billion to Ukraine. With Democrats waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor and Moscow Marge being big mad, it was a triumphant win for Joe Biden, for Democrats, for Ukraine, and for America's standing in the world. For six months, the heroic men and women in Ukraine fought Russia to a standstill. With this new aid package, the bulk of which is already prepared and ready to go, Ukrainian military forces will receive their much-needed ammunition and can go forth on a spring offensive. With Putin needing a new round of military conscripts, this is an opportunity that may very well turn the tide of the war. Putin's three-day blitzkrieg is turning into a three-year nightmare and the streets of Kyiv remain free to this very day. 

As if that wasn't peachy enough, there was also a big UAW union victory at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Friday evening. The South has been historically opposed to labor unions, as have foreign automakers. In fact, the very same plant that ended up unionizing on Friday had previously tried to unionize in both 2014 and 2019. But this year was different. This year, with a new crop of organizers and the most pro-union president in recent history, the conditions were just right to win a resounding union victory with nearly 73% of the vote, despite a concerted effort by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and five additional Republican governors to publicly oppose unionization efforts. The win is historic and monumental and continues labor's recent automotive victories, now moving beyond the Big Three. While Tennessee remains a red state unlikely to swing blue in November, there can be no doubt that Joe Biden's continuing support for labor will be a key talking point for him and his surrogates come the fall. Biden's efforts have been critical and these unions are making a difference in people's everyday lives. His support is a key contrast between himself and the Republican nominee for president, who has used labor unions for staged rallies and nothing more throughout the past eight years. 

Speaking of the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump had an absolutely terrible week. After waiting over three years, we finally saw Donald Trump in court for the first of his four criminal trials. With trial number one, not only is his adultery being brought back into discussion on the national stage but Trump himself demonstrated just how physically unfit he is when he's not surrounded by adoring fans. Not only was Trump seen dozing off in the courtroom on more than one occasion this past week but he also was apparently farting up a storm. The best part? Trump could not control the narrative in real-time as he is so accustomed to doing. The Godfarter and Don Smelleone were trending on X. Political cartoonists were having a field day. Of course, Trump didn't do himself any favors. After being called "low-energy" all week, Trump and his team canceled a Saturday night rally in Wilmington, North Carolina due to stormy weather. With Trump losing to a storm on Saturday and facing a trial with Stormy Daniels on Monday, the jokes practically write themselves. 

But wait, there's more! 

That is, how should we say, an impressive schedule for the figurehead of the Party of Law and Order. 

It has taken us over three years to get here. But the chickens are coming home to roost. Vladimir Putin is losing his grip on Congressional Republicans. Donald Trump is deteriorating before our very eyes. There may very well be a new motion to vacate vote to remove the Republican Speaker of the House in the coming week proving once again that Republicans are incapable of governing. Democrats are outpacing Republicans in key House races. Pro-choice amendments are officially on the ballot in FloridaArizona, and Nevada. Key Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana are outraising their GOP opponents. And, of course, let's not forget the Biden-Harris track record which they are out on the road reminding voters of while Donald Trump sits in a New York courtroom, tooting and nodding off like the old decrepit man he has become. 

Nothing is a given. But I would rather be us right now than them. Momentum is on our side but 2024 needs to be a watershed moment where we don't simply win, but we dominate Republicans at all levels of government. From the presidency to Congress to statewide races to local officials, Republicans need to not only lose but get crushed. Because until they do, Republicans will continue their march toward American fascism. Our voice, amplified through our vote, is the only thing standing in their way. We had a good week last week. We're going to have a good week this week. Enjoy times like these when we can because they don't happen often.

But when they do, *chef's kiss*. 


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