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Thursday open thread: Joey B pride!

Former congressman and mediocre white man Jason Chaffetz had this to say yesterday on the GOP Propaganda Network:
In a party known for its imbeciles, Chaffetz was particularly outstanding as a moron. It takes real skill to be that idiotic on a regular basis. But, hey: some guys just have it.

Dear Jason: we don't go around wearing Joe Biden hats. We don't go around tattooing Joe on our backs. We don't fly huge Joe Biden flags. We don't wear shirts saying "If you don't like Joe, you don't like me." Why? Because we're not in a death cult. We're not Nazis. We don't think Joe is our lord and messiah, sent to save us from a fallen, sinful world. We are, in other words, rational, intelligent people who grasp that politics should be kept as far away from cults of personality as possible. The twain should never meet. 

And, pray tell, who says they're "proud of" Donald Trump? Only his MAGA loons. His die-hard followers. The people who would drink bleach if Trump told them to do it. The people who took horse dewormer because their Orange God said it could get rid of Covid. These are people who shouldn't be allowed to drive cars, much less vote. These are the low-information voters who know nothing of our Republic and its values. These are the people who would love a Trump dictatorship. Your statement is not the flex you think it is.

But you want pride? Here it comes.

I'm proud of Joe Biden.

I'm proud because he survived, emotionally and mentally, the horror of losing his wife and child in a horrific tragedy.

I'm proud because he overcame stuttering, the same disability I have, and is now the most powerful man in the world.

I'm proud because he didn't shut himself up, and was able to find the second love of his life, to whom he's been devoted and faithful for decades. 

I'm proud because he's a loving father who has stood by his son as he battled and continues to battle the demons of his addictions.

I'm proud because he has worked to heal a world brought to its knees by his predecessor, your misbegotten hero.

I'm proud because of all he has done in the teeth of irrational, malign opposition.

I'm proud because he helped break the glass ceiling of women in politics by choosing his vice president.

I'm proud because in a world which seems to value bluster and meanness, he is decent, caring, and loving.

Is that good enough for you, Chaffetz? Can your hero claim even one of these traits?

And I will be proud to, again, cast my vote for hope, for progress, for Joe Biden. Bet on love every time over hate.


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