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Weekend self-care open thread: A visit to Useless Farm

In general, I'm not a fan of social media algorithms. They amplify the worst people, because those people generate engagement, and engagement drives advertising. Social media algos are spiraling our societies into deeper and deeper dysfunction.

The key to gaming algorithms is to not like or view every damned thing that comes across your computer screen. You think, "Oh, this looks interesting" about some news content, click on it, and suddenly your media feed is filled with the same junk, repeatedly. Be selective in what you click on. 

That's my strategy with YouTube. I don't click on politics videos, even if they're from my side. And if YouTube offers up a recommendation which I find objectionable, I don't view it to get enraged, but tell YouTube to fuck off and not recommend that channel or that video. You can curate your experience in the virtual world. It takes work, but it's far from onerous. You must be master or mistress of your domain.

Because I take care with my YouTube, I've trained the algorithm to offer up the most delightful content. And Useless Farm is in the top ten.

Amanda runs Useless Farm. And why is it called "useless farm"? Because it's not a farm designed to make money. It's a farm where she takes in all sorts of animals, and allows them to live their best lives, until they cross the Rainbow Bridge of their own accord.

And who are Useless Farm's inhabitants? There's Karen, the homicidal emu. There's Stanley, Karen's gentle and wonderful husband. There's Michael the clueless alpaca. There's Brad the asshole rooster. And so many more.

This weekend, we shall pause, breathe, laugh, and realize that those whom so many call "useless" are anything but.

You can visit the farm here.

Watch the channel, pick out your favorite videos, or just post what makes you laugh.

As always, dear friends, be ever kind and gentle with yourselves and those around you.


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