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It must be killing him that "riggers" are going to send him to prison and penury

So. Five-times-indicted, twice-impeached, loser Donald Trump posted this yesterday:


Come on, Donny Two-Scoops. I thought you were a big, bad, white savior. You aver that you will unleash "retribution" on those who hate you and your followers. Choosing wordplay to say what you really want to say is so beta.

I was going to use the "n" word here to make a point. But I couldn't bring myself to use the word he meant. I used to say it all the time growing up, because we all did. Black and Latin. But that was another universe, and that world is dead. And I, unlike these mouth breathers, evolved.

It must kill Trump that, aside from Special Counsel Jack Smith, he is being held to account by two Black district attorneys, one Black state attorney general, and one black federal judge. This is a man who came to his political birth by calling for the lynching of the unjustly accused Central Park Five, five Black youth who were egregiously charged with the rape of a white female jogger in New York City's Central Park, and had their convictions quashed. (One of those men is now a New York City council member.)

And, of course, there are the numerous racial discrimination lawsuits brought against his real estate mob front which charged him with not renting to Black tenants, or charging them more than white tenants.

Donald Trump is a racist. No amount of "Black for Trump" will erase this. Any Black man or woman who looks at Trump and doesn't see a stone cold racist is a self-hating person. Anyone not white and male who sees Trump as anything but a loathsome character needs to reexamine their lives.

However, it's interesting that Trump didn't change that "r" to an "n", as I'm sure he does in private. That he felt he needed to code switch. That he needed to keep some plausible deniability. 

Except, oops:
Like "Let's go, Brandon", this too will blow up in their faces. Just like we took that and turned it into a positive, folks are mocking their inability to own their racism.

I perused Twaddle while writing this post and saw Trump supporters using "riggers" to mean what they really want to say. What pathetic souls. Wanting to be big, bad white saviors, but knowing that if they say it with an "n" they'll be deplatformed. I mean, come on. You know you want to say the N-word with the hard-R. Why not say it? What's stopping you? There's free speech, no? Are you afraid of the consequences? Well, aren't you just milquetoast beta cucks? Sad.

Yes, it's eating him alive that "riggers" are going to serve his ass up to the penitentiary. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He has the best white genes. How did it come to this?

Because you're a waste of sperm and egg, Donald. Your entire family is cursed. And now it's going down, extirpated, erased from our memory. 

Have fun in Hell.


Like I said yesterday: 1. I'm eternally grateful that Black people are again saving this democracy. And, 2. It's time for the rest of us to step up. Let us not waste this moment. We have a world to save.


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