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Thursday open thread: Perp walk time!

Today at 4pm EDT, twice-impeached, thrice-indicted former president Donald Trump will appear at a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.—aka "The Swamp"—to be arraigned on criminal charges stemming from the January 6th Insurrection.

Now, yesterday's post I was bemoaning that our nation had come to this. Today? Give me a mugshot of the motherfucker. Give me his fingerprints. Give me a got-damned perp walk.

Some Republican representative was on CNN yesterday whining that Trump should be given "special consideration" because he was a former president and current candidate. Fuck that. And fuck him. Anyone else would be cooling their heels in pre-trial detention. Many of the mooks he conned into destroying their lives on that day in January didn't get to gallivant about before their trials. Even now they're sweltering in DC jails. He should be being held in the Tombs, or the equivalent of the Men's Central Jail here in LA, not in his roach-infested Bedminster country club. So please spare me any talk of "special consideration". He's getting it.

I am rather gladdened that the Fulton County sheriff said in a presser that if Trump gets indicted he will be fingerprinted and mugshot. That picture will be the one shown in all the history books afterwards. An occupant of the land's highest office nothing but a common hump, a goon, a skell. No honor attaches to him. No gravitas. He will be remembered only as the first American president to be hauled before four different courts for crimes committed during office. He deserves nothing more. 

May this be a turning point in our history. Where we finally finish putting down the insurrection of 1861 and in no uncertain terms tell the losers that they lost. They can either adapt to a new reality, or they can go crawl under rocks and die. It makes no difference to me. But they will not determine my fate, the fate of those I love, or the fate of this country. Their time is gone, past, and turning to dust.

Pop open the beverage of your choice, settle in, and enjoy. This is your open thread.


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