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Wednesday open thread: The Lindsey Graham flim-flam

Pro-choice Crowns, by Women's eNews, CC BY 2.0

Let's get this out of the way: the abortion "compromise" Senator Lindsey Graham (R-Lickspittle) put forth yesterday tortured the meaning of that word to an ignominious death.

First off, the core issue is women's bodily autonomy. After fifteen weeks of pregnancy, that autonomy would be stripped from them. This is, obviously, a nonstarter. 

Secondly, his magnanimity at offering fifteen weeks is a chimera. It in no way sets a national standard. Fifteen weeks is a ceiling; however, his bill would allow those states who have far more restrictive abortion bans, going to fully banning the procedure, to maintain those more draconian limits. What this bill would do would be to gut abortion rights in states like California. Thus, far from a national standard, this bill will start the downward spiral to a federal ban. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

Graham has, quite simply, lost the plot. His constant need for affirmation from those who would otherwise bully him is on full display. He sprang this bill on his GOP colleagues, who want nothing to do with it, as a surprise. The likes of Mitch McConnell and Rick Scott made it quite clear that they had no intention of pursuing this. In a midterm election upended by the Court's Dobb's decision where Republicans keep losing momentum and Democrats keep gaining it, this stunt was as welcome as a fart in a church. But it's to be expected from Graham; he no longer has a master, as Donald Trump is far too busy with his impending imprisonment to give the little yapping dog the guidance he desperately requires. So he will seek acceptance from whatever quarter he can, consequences be damned. His actions over the past six years are deserving of a morality tale: A man with no principles left adrift when the men more powerful than he to whom he attached himself either die or are removed from power. He is a cipher, an empty vessel. But he's not a vessel whom anyone can fill; no, he has rejected decency and rectitude, and would not recognize a helping hand were it in front of his face. He has made his choice, and is beyond saving.

What we have to do is highlight this farcical caper for what it is: the first attempt to impose a national abortion ban. That it comes from such a sad specimen as Lindsey Graham is immaterial; where he forged ahead on the path, others will follow. This is what we're facing should Republicans return to power, along with other things: the dissolution of Social Security and Medicare; the repeal of the Affordable Care Act; the betrayal of our Ukrainian allies. Abortion is the issue uppermost in Democratic voters' minds; yes, scare the crap out of them, and motivate them to fight, because this is what Graham and his party will do given the chance. 

As the saying goes: Never interrupt a foe when he's making a mistake. We need to capitalize on this own goal to secure victory in November.