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Trump is done. This is Joe Biden's world now.

Yesterday was a no-good, very bad day for Donald Trump.

First, New York Attorney General Letitia James began the process of dismantling his financial house of cards by filing a civil suit against him and his misbegotten brood for fraud. These are the kinds of suits which are easy to win; the paper trail alone will deliver a verdict against him. At the same time, James referred his case to the Department of Justice, as she found that he may have violated federal law.

Then, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a blistering finding, agreed to Justice's request for a stay of Trumpist judge Aileen Cannon's ruling. The department will be able to continue to pursue its espionage case from the documents it seized at Trump's Florida rat-infested motel. Two judges on the three judge panel had been appointed by Trump. This is on top of the Trump team's handpicked special master, Raymond Dearie, making it clear in no uncertain terms that Trump has no legal leg to stand on. 

And yet, I saw all around the interwebs the usual moving of goal posts. This is done by a certain type of person who has been so beaten down by the past few years that they can't see any good at any time. Any good news has to be tempered by an immediate turn to the worst cast scenario of what can happen next. "Call me when he's in prison." "Call me when he's dead." I mean, yes, I'd like to see those two things occur. And you know what? What happened yesterday moves us down that road to one or both happening. My God, yesterday was a pivotal day, one which will be cited in future history books. Very Good Things Happened. Does dwelling on catastrophic—and really improbable—possibilities bring those days forward? Does it help you? Does it help the cause? Doomsaying doesn't win battles or wars. It depresses morale, and guarantees the dire outcomes one imagines. 

Here is the long and the short of it: Trump is done. No one can save him. Not Judge Cannon. Not the 11th Circuit. Not the Supreme Court—which, aside from Clarence Uncle Thomas, won't want to touch this with someone else's ten foot pole. Not Steve Bannon's army of MAGAts. No one. The likes of Mitch McConnell got what they wanted out of him. He is now redundant. He is of no utility to anyone on the right. And the wonderful thing is that he knows this. Trump, in that lizard brain of his, knows no one is coming to his rescue. The conservative movement he strove to coopt has no use for him. But he still has the power of the mob, and he will use it. He will burn down the GOP on his way to Hades. It will be glorious.

Meanwhile, yesterday President Joe Biden gave an address at the United Nations General Assembly meeting. 

You can read the speech here. It was nothing less than a call for a renewed commitment to freedom and democracy. It called on the assembled nations to choose liberty over dictatorship. And in it he committed the United States to that fight. 

For too long, the US and the West tried to make deals with the likes of Russia and China. And while in the speech he explicitly stated that the US did not seek a new Cold War with China, he also made clear that it would stand up for the values of freedom and democracy, whatever the repercussions. 

Joe Biden is now the leader of the free world in a way that Trump scorned. Pres. Biden breathes this nation's values and commitments, where Trump saw everything as transactional, and as a game he had to "win" at all costs. Under Pres. Biden, alliances have been rebuilt, autocracy has been dealt a setback, and diplomacy is back on the agenda, not bluster and threats. 

The more we worry about what Trump or the right might or might not do, we neglect what Pres. Biden is doing. We neglect the monumental amount of work he has done in not even two years. We give him short shrift. We can't just be anti-Trump; we have to show Americans and the world that this country is for something. We have many sins for which to atone from our history. And the best way to do that is to make this world better going forward. Pres. Biden ended the twenty year war in Afghanistan. He again made human rights a center of US foreign policy. He has treated our allies as allies, not as servants to do our will. We have a chance to forge a bright future, rather than worrying about the viper outside the nest. Yes, be vigilant. But we need to do more than that. We need to present a positive program to the country and the world. And that is what Pres. Biden has been doing for these twenty months. 

I, for one, am not going to concern myself with what-ifs. Uncertainty in life is a given. But you meet uncertainty by taking concrete action. And that's what Pres. Biden is doing. I'm with Joe.