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Friday open thread: Come on, man

One would think that after the string of victories Joe Biden and Democrats have racked up over the past few months, the ankle-biting would die down. One would think people would stop caviling and caterwauling. One would think.

But I still see on social media the usual takes: "Biden didn't do this, or did this thing I don't like, so I'm less inclined to vote for him in 2024."

Jesus Christ on a graham cracker. And I'm seeing this from people who really can't afford a President DeSantis. Whose lives would be utterly ruined by such a calamity. But "Joe Biden isn't perfect, so fuck it all."

We already had a look into the Abyss when people didn't vote for the email lady in a fit of pique. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to dip into that again. This time we might not get out of it.

I'm not one of those people who, like during Barack Obama's term, would preface every statement with "I don't agree with him on everything, however". Sorry, no. Any disagreements I may have with Pres. Biden, or have had with Pres. Obama, are miniscule. Infinitesimal. Not worth the 0s and 1s they would require to render into text. Pres. Biden is delivering on the job I voted for him to do. And the biggest task at hand? Saving this country, and this world, from chaos and fascism. Any gripes anyone has should fade into obscurity when faced with that stark choice.

And yet, people who should know better still say this shit. They still act as if these are normal times. They still seek a transactional relationship with a politician, and woe betide if he doesn't deliver on every single thing you think he promised, even when he didn't. 

It would be easy for me to just wash my hands of politics. "Screw it, they're on their own." But, I lie. It wouldn't be easy. For me to not care about what happens to fellow human beings would make me a sociopath. It would go against everything my parents taught me. It would go against my very being. 

So, I ignore the natterers, and work with those who know what's at stake. One just has to slough them off. There are more of the latter than the former, and that's where the votes are. But damn if it's not frustrating.

Anyway, it's Friday. Here's Lizzo playing a 200 year old flute, which seems to have gotten some people in a tizzy.