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Fight for the House

To be clear, Democrats are in a great position to hold onto the House of Representatives. On average, their vulnerable incumbents have a significant cash on hand advantage compared to their Republican counterparts, the generic ballot has Democrats ahead of Republicans by similar margins as in 2018, and the candidates themselves frequently are superior to their Republican counterparts.

That being said, there is still a chance for Democrats to grow their majority in the House of Representatives and wipe a humiliating piece of red from our ledger. 

State of the House Races

Democrats unquestionably have the upper hand here, an upper hand that has only grown stronger thanks to how badly Senator McConell, Trump and the Republican party overall have handled both COVID-19, the unrest around George Floyd’s murder and now the death of Ruth Gader Ginsburg. The fact the House is led by legend Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi is helping Democrats a great deal.

Districts that were once considered redder than I like my steak are suddenly toss ups. This means that there is a realistic chance for Democrats to win these areas, mostly suburban seats all across the country. It would be foolish for Democrats not to take advantage of this opportunity not to expand into the suburbs.

That being said, there are some Democrats who are facing quite tough reelection prospects. They will need help, especially if they are in deep red states like Utah or Oklahoma. I will have them under a separate list. Most importantly, even though Democrats unquestionably have the upper hand in this set of races, we are not guaranteed to hold the House. 

Click here to find out what Congressional District you reside in and who your representative is. If I do not include a Democrat on here that is running in your district, tag me in the comments so I can help you out directly. If I don’t include a Democrat on the list already in office, that is because they are running in a safe seat. If you disagree, tag me and I will take a look.

Democrats running to flip a Seat from Red to Blue: Likely/Lean Democrat, Toss Up or Lean Republican

These Democrats are looking to expand their Majority in the House. They are often running in suburban seats around the country, or in seats that are trending Democrat for other reasons. I am including Lean Republican races in this category because of the fact that all Lean Republican means in this context is that the Republicans have an advantage but that Democrats can still win. In this list, I will include my understanding of where the race lies based on the Cook Political Report, Sabato’s Crystal Ball, Inside Elections, and other sources. If you have to choose any to donate to, choose Christy Smith of CA-25. I am still pissed off about how Democrats lost that seat

Democrats running against the odds: Likely Republican Races

These Democrats have a fairly steep hill to climb. Likely Republican means that these Democrats would require an upset in order to win and take these seats. Nevertheless, because they are looking to expand the electoral map down the line, they deserve all the help they can get.

Democrats defending tough seats: Toss up and Lean Democrat

There are some seats that Democrats are going to have to fight to keep their seats. Fortunately, these embattled incumbents tend to be well financed, highly skilled campaign operatives, and the generic ballot favors Democrats overall. That being said, these tough and tested incumbents are going to need help, so send it to them
Remember to send money to one of these people who need it. More importantly, spread the word about these candidates. Most importantly, vote.

The fate of the Republic depends on it.