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Just a short while ago, the New York Times broke a story which detailed soi disant "president" Donald Trump's financial woes.

I'll go more into that tomorrow, but this stuck out at me:

And within the next four years, more than $300 million in loans — obligations for which he is personally responsible — will come due.

To whom does he owe this money? How is this impacting the decisions he makes as president? Who owns him?

Trump famously said that because he's so fabulously wealthy, no one would own him. As we all knew, this was the grossest of Potemkin villages. What we suspected is now confirmed: Trump is an owned asset of whoever holds his paper. And who holds his paper is not Ma and Pa Kettle from Peoria.

We've always said that the greatest wound Trump would ever suffer is if it turned out, with proof, that he is in hock to everyone, and isn't, in fact, a billionaire. Now we have evidence of that. His sycophants won't desert him. But this is one more gash into his support from people who may have voted for him in 2016, but now want to put this whole sordid episode behind them.

More tomorrow.